National Strategic Project: Toll road for Kertajati Airport investors

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Bisnis Indonesia - Proyek Strategis Nasional: Jalan tol bagi pemodal Bandara Kertajati

12 July 2023

By: Hendra Wibawa


The toll road for foreign investors to enter Kertajati International Airport in Majalengka, West Java has been officially opened by President Joko Widodo on Monday (11/7).

Under the scorching heat of the sun, the President finally signed the inauguration of Cileunyi-Sumedang-Dawuan (Cisumdawu) toll road in Sumedang, West Java.

Cisumdawu toll road that will connect Cileunyi in Bandung Regency to Dawuan in Majalengka Regency spans 61.6 kilometres (km). The construction of the toll road costs Rp18.3 trillion with Rp9.07 trillion provided by the government. Meanwhile, the rest is provided through public-private partnership (PPP) by PT Citra Karya Jabar Tol (CKJT), which is a toll road business enterprise (BUJT) that is partially owned by Jusuf Hamka.

In his speech, the President said that the inauguration of Cisumdawu toll road was an achievement that must be appreciated as it has been under construction since 2011.

“It means that [the construction] took 12 years. There are many problems in the field, including land acquisition issues,” he said at the twin tunnel in Sumedang Regency.

The operation of Cisumdawu toll road has a twin tunnel spanning 472 metres, which will improve connectivity to Kertajati Airport.

The President is happy as the toll road can cut travel time from Bandung to Kertajati Airport in Majalengka Regency to one hour.

Hence, the President hopes that the ease of access will benefit Kertajati Airport. Moreover, Kertajati Airport is said to be Indonesia’s future airport that is supported by adequate connectivity.

Kertajati Airport has been in a coma since it first operated in May 2018. The number of commercial flights at the airport is lacking even though the facilities for scheduled flights at the airport are complete.

Now, the President believes that Kertajati Airport can fully operate in October this year after it is supported by Cisumdawu toll road.

Currently, the airport that is located in Majalengka has also been used for Hajj embarkation from seven regencies/cities in West Java Province.

Jokowi is also optimistic about Kertajati Airport that is supported by Cisumdawu toll road becoming a future airport as there are plans for foreign investors to invest in the airport infrastructure.

“There are many intentions from overseas to invest and to partner up in Kertajati [Airport] to operate and increase existing traffic,” he added.

Yesterday, there were signs of new investors entering Kertajati Airport after the President had visited the airport. However, the President is reluctant to mention the names of the foreign investors.

“We hope that it will be completed before October. It is still on process. Later, if it has been completed, we will open it [to investors],” he added.

With investors entering Kertajati Airport, Jokowi believes that flights at the airport will rapidly increase.

The large interest from investors to enter Kertajati Airport is boosted by the government’s plan to make the airport the replacement for Husein Sastranegara Airport in Bandung. The government is planning to transfer all jet commercial flights from Husein Sastranegara Airport to Kertajati Airport in October 2023. Meanwhile, propeller aircrafts will be transferred next year at the latest.

Air Transportation Director General of the Transportation Ministry Maria Kristi Endah Murni also hopes that airlines will open new routes from Kertajati Airport.

According to her, Kertajati Airport has met the safety, security, and flight service aspects as it has served Hajj flights this year.

“Existing flights at Kertajati Airport will continue to increase to stimulate other airlines to open new domestic and international routes,” Maria said.

During the occasion, the President Director of PT Bandarudara Internasional Jawa Barat (BIJB) Kertajati, which is Kertajati Airport’s operator, M. Singgih reckoned that the President’s affirmation to start operating regular flights in October was crucial.

“Kertajati Airport will rise. The government has determined the airport’s function to be on target,” Singgih said.

According to him, BIJB is ready to transfer regular flights from Husein Sastranegara Airport in Bandung. However, he stated that he was still waiting for the Transportation Ministry.

AP II coordination

One of BIJB shareholders, PT Angkasa Pura (AP) II, is ready to ensure the full operation of Kertajati Airport.

PT AP II President Director Muhammad Awaluddin stated that AP II has coordinated with all stakeholders at Kertajati Airport to prepare the operational aspects and the services to increase flights from October 2023.

“We want to provide the best service and operation for aircraft passengers and airlines everywhere before departing, during the flight, and after arriving,” Awaluddin said.

He added that AP II was currently preparing a supporting scheme for airlines to transfer their operation from Husein Sastranegara Airport to Kertajati Airport.

Besides that, a supporting scheme will also be prepared for land transportation providers to facilitate the operator in providing their services.

“In managing Husein Sastranegara Airport and Kertajati Airport, AP II is implementing the multi-airport system concept that will prioritise and synergise the business strategies and the potential of each airport,” Awaluddin explained.

He affirmed that Husein Sastranegara Airport and Kertajati Airport operated to serve different flight segments.

Later, Husein Airport will only serve scheduled commercial air transportation that uses propeller aircrafts and medical evacuation flights.

Meanwhile, Indonesia Transportation Society (MTI) Chairperson Tory Damantoro reckoned that the plan of foreign investors to enter Kertajati Airport could be a momentum to expand the role of private companies in developing infrastructure.

“According to us, it is a positive signal for Kertajati’s development,” Tory said.

Cooperation with private companies will require good negotiation to produce the best solution for the government and the private companies.

Tory hopes that foreign investors entering can resolve various issues in Kertajati Airport’s operation.

Besides that, Kertajati Airport still has several issues that need to be resolved, which include connectivity, accessibility, and area development around the airport.

“These issues cannot be resolved instantly. Good collaboration between the government and the private sector is key,” he affirmed.

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