Jakarta LRT Phase 1B set to operate in 2027

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Investor Daily - LRT Jakarta fase 1B ditargetkan beroperasi 2027

28 June 2024

Jakarta, ID – The Transportation Ministry stated that the construction progress of Jakarta Light Rail Transit (LRT) phase 1B (Velodrome-Manggarai) was set to be completed in the third quarter of 2026.

Railways Director General of the Transportation Ministry Risal Wasal said that the extension of the Jakarta LRT route for phase 1B (Velodrome-Manggarai) would continue as planned. This extension is expected to provide an additional transportation option that will be integrated with Manggarai Central Station.

This will strengthen the role of Manggarai Central Station as a railway transportation node for Jakarta and its surroundings.

“We are optimistic about the project being completed and operating in early 2027. We expect it can be enjoyed by the public in the third quarter of 2026,” Risal Wasal said in his press statement in Jakarta on Thursday (26/6/24).

Risal stated that the construction of Jakarta LRT phase 1B (Velodrome-Manggarai) progressed smoothly and kept on track with set targets.

He mentioned that, as of the second week of June 2024, the construction progress of Jakarta LRT phase 1B (Velodrome-Manggarai) has reached 18.147%.

In this phase, tracks will span 6.4 kilometres and pass through five stations, namely Rawamangun Station, Pramuka BPKP Station, Pasar Pramuka Station, Matraman Station, and Manggarai Station.

Risal continued that Jakarta LRT phase 1B would complete the transportation integration at Manggarai Station.

“So, when a long-distance train stops at the station, passengers can directly continue their journey to Kelapa Gading by using the walkway from Manggarai Station to the Jakarta LRT station,” Risal said.

Furthermore, Risal said that Jakarta LRT would operate with a headway of 10 minutes. This short interval is expected to gradually increase passenger demand to 80,000 per day on the Velodrome-Manggarai route.

To maximise the occupancy of Jakarta LRT, future plans include the construction of phase 2A (Kelapa Gading-JIS), followed by phase 1C (Manggarai-Dukuh Atas), phase 1D (Dukuh Atas-Pesing), and phases 3A and 3B, which will complete the Kemayoran-JIS-Kelapa Gading-Velodrome-Klender-Halim route.

“We are continuously advancing the project to ensure that economic centres and public activities are well-served by excellent public transportation, particularly a rail-based option. This will enable citizens to carry out their activities more easily, safely, quickly, and comfortably,” Risal said.

To enhance the safety of pedestrians and public transportation users, BPTJ is planning to construct Poris Plawad Skybridge.

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