BHC area must become a sustainable ecosystem

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Investor Daily - Kawasan BHC harus jadi ekosistem berkelanjutan

20 March 2023

By: Muhammad Ghafur Fadilah


Bakauheni - State-owned Enterprises (SOE) Minister Erick Thohir said that Bakauheni Harbour City (BHC) area must become a sustainable ecosystem. BHC area project is a construction for Bakauheni City that is near the port, but it can also be a tourism destination.

“The extraordinary potential of Bakauheni can be continuously developed. We have invested in the development, but we also require support from the regional government and the people so that the project can progress smoothly,” Erick said in his statement after inaugurating Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) Mosque in Bakauheni that is located in BHC area in South Lampung at the end of last week.

According to Erick, BSI Mosque that is located in BHC area is proof of the dream to build a worship facility through excellent synergy and collaboration.

“I believe that something good must also start from something good. The excellent collaboration between BSI (PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk) and ASDP started from the construction of a place of worship,” Erick said.

Erick hopes that BSI Mosque will not only function as a place of worship for locals, but it will also be social, cultural, and economic activity centre. According to him, mosques play a large role in an Islamic civilisation.

Minister Erick added that a large nation must also have a big dream. Lampung, as the province that is closest to the capital city, is believed to grow progressively.

“I hope that the BHC project can be a sustainable ecosystem, especially to support Lampung’s MSMEs (micro, small, and medium enterprises) and culture,” he said.

PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero) President Director Ira Puspadewi said that decent mosques are required around Bakauheni Port as there are 22 million people crossing from Java to Sumatra every year.

“BSI Mosque is also part of the development of Bakauheni Harbour City for the community as a culture centre. There is a need for decent mosques. I believe that BSI Mosque will be the most beautiful mosque in Lampung,” he stated.

Ira added that, regarding the talk to construct the mosque using maslahat funds from BSI, it also involves the participation of ASDP employees all over Indonesia through a crowdfunding.

“There is a large sense of care for BSI Mosque that is located in ASDP’s area, so employees are encouraged to set aside their salary to support the construction of the mosque,” Ira said.

BSI President Director Hery Gunardi said that BSI is committed to continuously improving their contribution and role in boosting economic growth in the country, which includes the tourism sector and the acceleration of Islamic economic ecosystem development.

“We are committed to delivering wider and larger values to stakeholders in the country. As the company’s performance continues to grow, BSI will continue to improve their role and contribution to economic growth,” Hery Gunardi.

He affirmed that BSI Mosque is expected to be a religious tourism icon in Sumatra that must be visited by tourists, so tourism in Lampung will grow excellently. Besides that, approaching Ramadan and Eid, it is also expected to facilitate more than 2,000 people who want to pray at BSI Mosque.

ASDP’s revenue

Meanwhile, PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero) is targeting their revenue to surge to Rp5.6 trillion and their net profit to Rp700 billion along the recovery of the people’s mobility. Besides that, the company is preparing a capital expenditure (capex) of Rp2.6 trillion.

In November 2022, PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero) logged a net profit of Rp552 billion. Then, the company’s consolidated revenue reached Rp3.87 trillion.

ASDP Indonesia Ferry Corporate Secretary Shelvy Arifin said that ASDP is continuously running its operation effectively and efficiently to support national logistics services. Its main ferrying business component is solar fuel and ship maintenance, but ASDP remains optimistic about reaching its revenue target this year.

Shelvy continued that the management has prepared various strategies to increase its top-line growth by increasing production and passengers, which will also boost the bottom line to surpass previous years so that profit will increase significantly.

“We hope that transportation services during 2023 Eid will contribute to ASDP’s revenue. It is the peak season, so usually there is an increase in production compared to normal conditions. The increase target is around 5%-10%,” Shelvy explained to Investor Daily on Friday (17/3/2023).

Regarding capex, Shelvy revealed that the capex will be used by the company to finance several operational revitalisations that will be carried out by the company. The company is preparing ships and ports to handle the homecoming flow.

“Besides that, we are currently constructing Bakauheni Harbour City at kilometre 0 that is expected to attract the people in Sumatra,” he said.

ASDP is working on BHC area in South Lampung that is set to be opened on 2023 Eid. The progress of several icons at BHC in South Lampung is approaching 100%, such as Siger park and Krakatau Park.

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