Infrastructure improvement: Central Java focuses on repairing damaged roads

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Bisnis Indonesia - Perbaikan infrastruktur: Jateng fokus benahi jalan rusak

14 March 2023


Sragen - Central Java Provincial Government will repair several damaged provincial roads in the region. The funds prepared this year reach Rp1.1 trillion.

The funds came from the special allocation fund (DAK) that is focused on infrastructure construction and repair in Central Java.

This statement was delivered by Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo at the first Musrenbang (Development Planning Deliberation) Roadshow in Subosukawonosraten Development Area in Sasana Manggala Sukowati in Sragen Regency on Monday (13/3).

During the event, regional heads of six development areas complained about damaged roads.

Hence, Ganjar is asking regional heads to focus more on infrastructure handling, following the Rp1.1 trillion DAK.

“You do not have to worry that people will protest because I also receive reports every day. For infrastructure, we will receive a support of Rp1.1 trillion to handle [damaged roads] in Central Java. The repairs have already commenced,” he said.

According to him, the DAK will be used for several construction packages, such as Galeh-Ngrampal road segment preservation in Sragen that costs Rp9.9 billion and Lasem-Sale road segment preservation in Rembang that costs Rp17 billion.

“[Lasem-Sale] costs so much because the damage is already severe, so it costs around Rp17 billion,” he stated.

Besides that, he added that Rp108.5 billion from the DAK will also be allocated for ongoing projects, such as Surakarta-Gemolong-Geyer road segment that has a contract value of Rp97 billion.

“So, we need to pursue several crucial segments. We have communicated with as well as asked for directions and support from the central [government]. Alhamdulillah (Praise be to God), we can work on several,” he said.

Ganjar added that road infrastructure handling has been included in provincial and regency/local mid-term regional development plans (RPJMDs).

However, he added that, in the last two years, the budget needed to be allocated to handle Covid-19.

“Our problem is that we did not build anything in the last two years. The funds were refocused on other things.”

Ganjar also reckoned that, in the last two years, there were problems such as heavy precipitation, natural disasters, and over-dimension and overload (ODOL) trucks.

He reckoned that those issues damage Solo-Purwodadi segment, specifically along Surakarta-Gemolong-Geyer road segment that is at the border of Grobogan Regency.

Ganjar added that road handling needs support from all parties. Road segments in the province are travelled through many ODOL trucks.

“Almost all trucks that travel through here are ODOL trucks. So, I am asking for random checks to be implemented by installing portable weighbridges for us the check,” he explained.

Besides support from the Transportation Ministry and the police for enforcement, Ganjar is also asking support from the people to pay attention to those aspects.

Not only the DAK, Central Java Provincial Government is also allocating Rp437 billion to build roads in 2023.

Road repairs are carried out through Central Java Regional Service Office for Public Works in Highways and Settlements (DPUBMCK) that covers the road maintenance system, rehabilitation, and reconstruction.

Routine maintenance is the activity of maintaining and repairing damages on road segments to be in line with the standards in Public Works Minister Regulation No. 13/PRT/M/2011.

Meanwhile, rehabilitation is the regular maintenance of roads to prevent further damages. Every damage is calculated in the design so that the road condition can be improved in line with the plan.

Road reconstruction improves the structure so that the road segment that is heavily damaged can be recovered in line with the initial plan.

Central Java DPUBMCK Head A.R. Hanung Triyono revealed that road maintenance in 2023 has reached 2,404.74 kilometres (km).

“We carry out maintenance all year long. Every year, maintenance will be carried out,” he said recently.

 Hanung said that this year road rehabilitation is divided among nine Road Management Centres (BPJs).

Cilacap BPJ handles Sidareja-Cukangleuleus spanning 2 km with a budget of Rp2.6 billion, Bobotsari-Belik spanning 2.5 km with a budget of Rp4 billion, Purbalingga-Bobotsari-Sungkono spanning 2 km with a budget of Rp2.6 billion, Kaliori-Patikraja spanning 1 km with a budget of Rp1.3 billion, and Cilopadang-Salem retaining wall rehabilitation spanning 100 metres with a budget of Rp1 billion.

Tegal BPJ handles Bumiayu-Salem spanning 1 km with a budget of Rp1.3 billion, Bumiayu-Sirompog spanning 0.30 km with a budget of Rp3.5 billion, Morongso-Tuwel-Sirampog spanning 1 km with a budget of Rp1.3 billion, Bandungsari-Pananggapan spanning 1 km with a budget of Rp1.3 billion, and Cigareng bridge rehabilitation with a budget of Rp2 billion.

Hanung explained that, besides Central Java Province’s regional budget (APBD), road repairs are also funded by Regional Road Grants and DAK. Segments funded using these methods are Batur-Dieng-Kejajar-Wonosobo spanning 2.2 km with a budget of Rp15.3 billion, Kertek-Kepil-Kemiri spanning 3 km with a budget of Rp19.2 billion, Magelang-Kaliangkrik-Sapuran spanning 2.3 km with a budget of Rp16.4 billion, Galih-Ngrampal spanning 1.16 km with a budget of Rp9.9 billion, as well as Lasem-Sale spanning 2 km with a budget of Rp17 billion.

“Currently, tenders for road rehabilitation and improvement programs have been completed. So, the implementation stage has commenced,” Hanung explained.

However, he added that the implementation stage is hindered by the weather. Road repairs cannot be carried out in the rain.

“However, we are committed to doing the best and to being on schedule,” he said.

Hanung added that, in road maintenance, his agency is involving road players and the people directly through the Jalan Cantik application.

“We receive and handle all complaints and reports on road damages,” he said.

From 1 January to 5 March 2023, there were 2,801 complaints on road damages that were received by Ganjar through LaporGub.

There were 1,358 complaints on regency and local roads, 895 complaints on village and sub-district roads, and 548 complaints on provincial roads.

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Julian Smith

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