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Investor Daily - PUPR rampungkan TPA Banjardowo
13 March 2023
Jakarta - The Public Works and Housing (PUPR) Ministry has successfully completed the development of Banjardowo Landfill (TPA) in Jombang Regency in East Java Province that initially used the open dumping system to use the sanitary landfill system. Operating the landfill using the sanitary landfill system is expected to minimise water, land, and air pollution to be more eco-friendly.
PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono said that waste issues are handled through two aspects. The aspects include the structural aspect that focuses on waste infrastructure construction and the non-structural aspect that focuses on encouraging a clean and healthy lifestyle.
“Area-scale waste processing infrastructure construction is reckoned to be effective for a waste volume that is not quite large, so waste reduction can be conducted from the source. Support from regency or local governments is also required, especially regarding land provision,” Minister Basuki said in his official statement on Sunday (12/3/2023).
The development of the sanitary landfill system at Banjardowo TPA commenced in June 2020. It utilises a land of 11 hectares that has a landfill area of 4.45 hectares. Currently, the activity that was carried out by the PUPR Ministry has been completed by 100%, so it is ready to be inaugurated.
Banjardowo TPA has a capacity of 444,864 m3 to accommodate household waste in Jombang that reaches around 110 tonnes per day from 285,000 people. The utilisation of the sanitary landfill system has an advantage as waste that enters the landfill has been sorted first based on its type to be recycled. For example, plastic, cardboard, glass, and tin are sorted at the sorting plant to be recycled into raw materials. Meanwhile, organic waste can be processed into compost at the composting plant.
Next, leachate is distributed to the Leachate Processing Installation through the staged processing system, so they do not pollute water or land around the landfill. The construction principle of this landfill is to prioritise the eco-friendly concept by reducing smell and making sure that waste that is thrown away has met the water quality standards in Environment and Forestry Ministry Regulation No. 59/2016 on Leachate Quality Standards for Business and/or Activity in Waste Final Processing Area.
Banjardowo TPA development is a cooperation among the Indonesian government through Human Settlement Directorate General, the PUPR Ministry, and the German government in the Emission Reduction in Cities-Solid Waste Management (ERIC-SWM) program. The PUPR Ministry’s construction support includes design arrangement, complete landfill construction with supporting facilities, and heavy equipment procurement. The total cost of the Emission Reduction in Cities, Jombang Regency project is Rp194 billion.