Transjakarta trials 4 integrated bus stops

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Investor Daily - Transjakarta uji coba 4 halte terintegrasi

7 March 2023


Jakarta - PT Transportasi Jakarta (Transjakarta) is testing Juanda Shelter, MH Thamrin Shelter, Dukuh Atas 1 Shelter, and Jatipadang Shelter that commenced operation on Saturday (4/3/2023).

“The reoperation of Juanda Shelter as a bus stop that is integrated with Juanda Station will facilitate the mobility of Transjakarta customers. Moreover, people who will transit or change their mode of transportation from Commuter Line (KRL) to Transjakarta or vice versa,” Transjakarta Corporate Secretary Division Head Appriastini Bakti Bugiansri said in her official statement that was received by Investor Daily on Monday (6/3/2023).

Apriastini explained that the four bus stops are part of the 46 revitalised bus stops that will be completed in stages to serve the customers. Juanda Shelter, MH Thamrin Shelter, and Dukuh Atas 1 Shelter have become the mainstay bus stops due to the closing of Harmoni Shelter that is affected by the construction of contract package 202 of MRT Phase 2. Several transit routes that previously passed through Harmoni Shelter are transferred to the 3 new bus stops.

72 bus stops are planned to be revitalised by the end of 2023. The lifting of PPKM is making the people to go back to their activities outside of their homes, so a bus stop capacity expansion is crucial and urgent.

Previously, Transjakarta had temporarily closed three bus stops due to the construction of contract package 202 of MRT Jakarta Phase 2. The three bus stops are Mangga Besar Shelter, Sawah Besar Shelter, and Harmoni Shelter. Mangga Besar Shelter and Sawah Besar Shelter have been closed and relocated first on 25 February and 28 February 2023 respectively. Meanwhile, Harmoni Shelter was scheduled to be closed on 3 March 2023, but it was only closed on 4 March 2023.

The closing of the three bus stops impacts bus services on Corridor 1 (Blok M-Kota), Corridor 2 (Pulogadung-Harmoni), Corridor 3 (Kalideres-Pasar Baru), and Corridor 8 (Lebak Bulus-Harmoni). Several Transjakarta routes are also changed, namely Pantai Maju-Balai Kota (1A), Pulogadung-Rawa Buaya (2A), PGC-Harmoni (5C), and Kampung Rambutan-Harmoni Via Cempaka Putih (7E).

Transjakarta is adjusting their routes following the closing of Harmoni Shelter in Central Jakarta. There are 12 Transjakarta routes that are adjusted. Then, there is one route that will be closed and two routes that are unchanged.

“These route adjustments will be effective on Saturday on 4 March 2023,” Apriastini said.

Transjakarta routes that are adjusted include Route 1 that is changed from Pulogadung-Harmoni to Pulogadung-Monas, Route 2A from Pulogadung-Rawa Buaya to Pulogadung-Rawa Buaya via Kwitang, Route 2ST from Juanda-Pecenongan to Juanda-Bundaran HI, Route 3 from Kalideres-Pasar Baru to Kalideres-Bundaran HI via Vetera, Route 3H from Jelambar-Kota to Jelambar-Kota Via RS Sumber Waras -Petojo, Route 5C from PGC-Mnas to PGC-Juanda via Monas-Balai Kota-Kwitang-Palputih, Route 6A from Ragunan-Monas to Ragunan-MH Thamrin via Kuningan, Route 6B from Ragunan-Monas to Ragunan-MH Thamrin via Semanggi, Route 7F from Kampung Rambutan-Harmoni to Kampung Rambutan-Juanda, Route 8 from Lebak Bulus-Harmoni to Lebak Bulus-Pasar Baru Via Tomang-Petojo-Pecenongan-Juanda-Pasar Baru, Route 10H from Tanjung Priok-Blok M to Tanjung Priok Blok M, and Route JIS3 from Harmoni-JIS to Harmoni Temporary-JIS. Route 8A Harmoni-Grogol via Tomang is closed. Route 1 Blok M-Kota and Route 1A Pantai Maju-Balai Kota are unchanged.

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