KCI-JRTM cooperate to procure Commuter Line spare parts for Rp734 billion

  • 15 Mar 2024

This article has been translated by PwC Indonesia as part of our Indonesia Infrastructure News Service. PwC Indonesia has not checked the accuracy of, and accepts no responsibility for the content.

Investor Daily - KCI-JRTM kerja sama pengadaan suku cadang KRL Rp734 miliar

15 March 2024

By Heru Febrianto

Jakarta, ID – PT Kereta Commuter Indonesia (KCI) or KAI Commuter signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with JR East Rail Car Technology & Maintenance (JRTM) Japan regarding the procurement of commuter line spare parts worth Rp734 billion for the next three years.

Asdo Artriviyanto, President Director of KAI Commuter, stated that the company continued to collaborate with various parties to improve services for commuter line users.

After previously signing procurement agreements for commuter line facilities with PT INKA (Persero) and CRRC Sifang China, the subsidiary of PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) signed another memorandum of understanding (MoU) with JRTM Japan. JRTM Japan entered into the contract for the second period of procurement for commuter line spare parts under a multi-year Long Term Purchase Agreement (LTPA) spanning from 2024 to 2027.

Asdo conveyed that this mutually beneficial cooperation would continue to support the smooth operation of railways in the future, especially in the Greater Jakarta area.

"In the past five years, PT KCI has been continuously collaborating with Japanese parties in procuring spare parts, enhancing employee competency, and other aspects to ensure the seamless operation of the commuter line in Indonesia," Asdo stated in a press release quoted on Thursday (3/14/2024).

The signed LTPA has a total investment value of approximately Rp734 billion spanning from 2024 to 2027. "With the total investment value of the LTPA, we guarantee the availability of spare parts and maintenance for commuter line facilities, fulfilling the operational requirements of KAI Commuter for the next three years," Asdo added.

In addition to signing the LTPA for procuring commuter line spare parts, KAI Commuter also inked an MoU with JRTM Japan. This agreement involves extending the technical lifespan of the JR 205 series through a refurbishment programme as well as promoting and collaborating on maintenance and management of spart part provision.

Furthermore, it includes training and knowledge transfer initiatives to support and prepare for the implementation of facility refurbishment, expert exchanges, spare part provision, inventory management, and other related areas.

Before the signing agenda, KAI Commuter has also visited the MLIT (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism) of Japan, accompanied by Athub KBRI, to establish good relations and cooperation for the development of KAI Commuter services in the future. In addition, KAI Commuter also visited the Indonesian Embassy in Japan to report on this form of cooperation.

According to Asdo, PT KCI as the commuter line operator currently carries and serves an average of over 1 million users per day across its operational areas. "Of course, PT KCI will continue to strive to provide the best service by collaborating with many parties, thus creating the best urban transportation ecosystem in Indonesia to facilitate mobility for the public," he explained.

KAI Commuter VP Corporate Secretary Anne Purba also stated that KAI Commuter would continue to open up cooperation and collaborate with various parties to improve services for its users. "Public transportation, such as the commuter line, must continue to evolve to achieve a target of over 2 million users per day. KAI Commuter must also be ready to develop its services beyond Greater Jakarta and encourage the government to electrify more regions in Indonesia," Anne concluded.

Preparing a capex Rp8.65 triliun 

PT Kereta Commuter Indonesia (KAI Commuter) is allocating a capital expenditure of Rp8.65 trillion for the procurement of trainsets to improve commuter line services in Greater Jakarta.

The President Director of KAI Commuter, Asdo Artriviyanto, disclosed that out of the total capital expenditure requirement of Rp8.65 trillion, Rp3.65 trillion was secured through bank loans. The remaining Rp5 trillion is sourced from the government's investment in the form of state equity participation (PMN) in PT Kereta Api Indonesia. "Gradually, the government's PMN for this year amounts to Rp 2 trillion. For fiscal years 2025 and 2026, it will be Rp 1.5 trillion each," said Asdo recently.

He mentioned that the capital expenditure allocation would be used by KAI Commuter for the procurement of trainsets until 2027. Several steps have been prepared by the company as an effort to increase the number of trainsets, including the purchase of imported trains, retrofitting, and the procurement of new trainsets.

He stated that the imported trains would reach three trainsets for the commuter line in 2023. One trainset consists of 12 cars.

"We aim to have three imported trainsets arriving in 2024. These will be used to anticipate the increase in passengers," he explained.

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