Logistic port: New face for containers in Aceh

  • 22 Mar 2024

This article has been translated by PwC Indonesia as part of our Indonesia Infrastructure News Service. PwC Indonesia has not checked the accuracy of, and accepts no responsibility for the content.

Bisnis Indonesia - Pelabuhan logistik: Wajah baru peti kemas Aceh

22 March 2024

Aceh Province is improving its container port to facilitate the flow of goods and services in this region for both domestic and international shipping. This transformative step is also believed to increase the competitiveness of ports in Aceh. 

This is because PT Pelindo Multi Terminal (SPMT), a sub-holding of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) or Pelindo, continues to improve its service performance in all branches, including in Malahayati and Lhokseumawe, Aceh Province. 

SPMT Human Resources Director Edi Priyanto said that the two branches in the western region of Indonesia were officially operated by SPMT as of 1 August 2023. 

“We continue to make improvements in various aspects, including operations, commercial, HSSE [health, safety, security & environment], and HR [human resources], so that port operations can run effectively and efficiently and be able to provide added value for stakeholders,” he explained in his official statement on Thursday (21/3). 

He explained that since January-February 2024, SPMT Malahayati Branch has served a flow of 75,587 tonnes of dry bulk cargo. Meanwhile, the flow of liquid bulk cargo served by Malahayati reached 1,700 tonnes, bag cargo reached 2,694 tonnes, and 1,923 twenty-foot equivalent units (TEUs) of containers. 

Besides that, SPMT Lhokseumawe Branch in the same period was also recorded to serve bag cargo and general cargo amounting to 23,486 tonnes per cubic meter. 

Liquid bulk services at the Lhokseumawe Branch were recorded at 4,933 tonnes, dry bulk at 43,710 tonnes, and containers at 1,087 TEUs. 

Edi reckons that SPMT is carrying out transformation in all the ports it manages, starting from the standardisation, systemisation, and integration stages. 

This is in line with SPMT’s commitment to providing superior operational and commercial services. 

To date, he said, SPMT has carried out transformation in 25 branches and will continue to do so in 2024, including in the Malahayati and Lhokseumawe branches. 

“This transformation will also have an impact on process improvements that can increase port productivity and reduce port stays and cargo stays significantly,” he explained. 

Beyond that, SPMT will implement an integrated multi-terminal port operating system, namely PTOS-M (Pelindo Terminal Operating System Multipurpose) in both branches to support the transformation process being carried out. 

PTOS-M has features that facilitate services, such as online booking requests, operation planning, storage inventory, and control & monitoring. 

All these features, he added, are contained in the PTOS-M architecture which is integrated with other systems, such as customer portal, ship service system, and financial service system. 

“The port transformation process is also supported by efforts to increase human resources capacity and competency through training, workshops, and certification for SPMT personnel,” he said. 


Moreover, the Company also continues to encourage its employees to take part in various social and environmental actions. 

To that end, the Pelindo sub-holding launched SPMT Rise! at the end of February 2024. 

Edi Priyanto said that SPMT Rise! (Responsibility initiative for social empowerment) is one of their employee social responsibility (ESR) programmes. 

He added that the programme is part of SPMT’s commitment to improving the quality of life in the community and the environment through the active participation of its employees. 

“SPMT strives to encourage its employees to take part in various social actions. Not only through SPMT as a corporation, but also by contributing directly to the community," he said. 

Meanwhile, SPMT Corporate Secretary Fiona Sari Utami added that SPMT provides space and opportunities for its employees to contribute directly in the area where they live. 

“This contribution can take the form of social actions in their area through clean-up activities, sharing knowledge and experience at their school or campus, or other social actions,” said Fiona. 

As a non-container port terminal operator in Indonesia, said Fiona, SPMT continues to carry out internal transformation within the company, which includes port standardisation, improving the implementation of organisational governance, increasing HR capabilities and competencies, and digitalisation in various sectors. 

“We hope that through SPMT Rise! all SPMT personnel will be inspired to give positive contribution to the community and spread this spirit to wider environment,” she said.

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Julian  Smith

Julian Smith

Director, PwC Indonesia

Tel: +62 21 509 92901

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