IKN Nusantara's buffer zone: Revitalising infrastructure in Central Sulawesi

  • 21 Mar 2024

This article has been translated by PwC Indonesia as part of our Indonesia Infrastructure News Service. PwC Indonesia has not checked the accuracy of, and accepts no responsibility for the content.

Bisnis Indonesia - Penyangga IKN Nusantara: Revitalisasi infrastruktur Sulawesi Tengah

21 March 2024

By Lukas Hendra T.M

The construction of all sectors in Central Sulawesi is being accelerated to prepare the province to sustain Nusantara Capital City (IKN). Several infrastructure projects, particularly in the sea transportation sector, are being prepared in the region to facilitate the flow of goods and services.

Central Sulawesi Provincial Government is continuously affirming their commitment to constructing infrastructure to prepare the province to sustain IKN.

This was revealed by Central Sulawesi Governor Rusdy Mastura when he welcomed Infrastructure Task Force Head of the Public Works and Housing (PUPR) Ministry Ari Sutiadi on Tuesday (19/3).

Rusdy also visited several infrastructure projects in the province, including housing construction and Teluk Palu Port Authority and Harbourmaster Office (KSOP) projects with a budget ceiling of Rp700 billion.

The budget is allocated for three ports, namely Pantoloan Port, Wani Port, and Gonenggati Port.

The activity was conducted to ensure the construction of the ports were according to plan and on time.

Besides that, he added that the visits were conducted to prepare for the inauguration agenda that would be attended by President Joko Widodo.

Besides sea transportation infrastructure projects, his agency is also asking the Transportation Ministry for roll on-roll off (RoRo) ships to connect Donggala Regency to IKN.

“I have asked for RoRo [ships] from the Transportation Minister. The investor from China aims to import two RoRo ships to improve the transportation access from Donggala to IKN,” he explained in his official statement as quoted on Friday (20/3).

According to him, Central Sulawesi Provincial Government and Donggala Regency Government will cooperate with Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) to design Donggala Regency as a Sunset City.

Hence, Rusdy sees that Donggala Regency needs to be prepared as the frontline of Central Sulawesi to sustain IKN.

He also believes that the Palu-Donggala-Pasangkayu access road in West Sulawesi needs to be widened.

“Not now, but it must be prepared within 5 years from now,” he said.

Moreover, his agency has completed the detailed engineering design (DED) for Tambu Port to strengthen the connectivity of Central Sulawesi to IKN.

Central Sulawesi Provincial Government is preparing to propose the physical construction of the port.

Furthermore, Rusdy is also asking for support from the PUPR Ministry to construct the Tambu-Kasimbar access road, enabling people to distribute their agricultural and farm products more efficiently.

He hopes that there will also be clean water support for citizens in Palu, Sigi, and Donggala.

Previously, Rusdy made a report to Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Panjaitan on the road conditions in Bungku-Bahodopi-Southeast Sulawesi border.

He added that the segment was expected to be widened to reduce traffic congestions and provide comfort for workers.

“I am ready to help with what is needed,” he said.

Meanwhile, Infrastructure Task Force Head of the PUPR Ministry Ari Sutiadi explained that his agency visited Central Sulawesi to assess construction progress in the region and discuss infrastructure projects slated for inauguration by President Joko Widodo.

He explained that the number of houses completed by the PUPR Ministry in the Pasigala (Palu, Sigi, Donggala) area reached 3,748 units.

Out of the total, 2,708 units have been handed over to regency/local governments. Additionally, 1,125 units have already been inhabited. 


Previously, Rusdi with Acting Donggala Regent Moh. Rifani Pakamundi visited Wani Port and Donggala Port on Monday (18/3).

Rusdy said that Wani Port has been completed with a dock spanning 150 metres.

Meanwhile, Donggala Port has a dock spanning 320 metres.

Both ports are planned to be directly inaugurated by President Joko Widodo.

Rusdy hopes that, with both ports, the Highways and Spatial Planning Agency of Central Sulawesi and the PUPR Ministry can synergise to help improve the quality of roads in Donggala Regency so that citizens in IKN can visit and see the mesmerising sunset in the city that was called Don Nggolo.

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