Private sector asked to develop Tanjung Wangi Port

  • 11 May 2024

This article has been translated by PwC Indonesia as part of our Indonesia Infrastructure News Service. PwC Indonesia has not checked the accuracy of, and accepts no responsibility for the content.

Investor Daily - Swasta diminta kembangkan Pelabuhan Tanjung Wangi

13 May 2024

Jakarta, ID – Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi is supporting the construction of a multipurpose pier at Tanjung Wangi Port in Banyuwangi, East Java.

According to him, Tanjung Wangi Port has a large potential to be developed as a regional port thanks to its location that is close to Ketapang Port.

Later, the multipurpose pier will be able to accommodate container ships with a capacity of 17,000 tonnes and 100 vehicles. This matches the capacity of Ketapang Port, making it a highly efficient solution. “Tanjung Wangi Port is located near Ketapang Port, so it has the potential to be developed as a regional port between Java and Lombok,” Budi Karya said in his press statement on Friday (10/5/2024).

The Transportation Minister added that, with the multipurpose pier, Tanjung Wangi Port would be able to handle direct routes from Banyuwangi to Lombok, Sumba, and Sumbawa. This will reduce the shipping traffic burden on Bali.

Currently, the development of Tanjung Wangi Port is at the port masterplan proposal stage, which will be followed up by a study process.

He also hopes that the private sector will participate in the development of Tanjung Wangi Port to reduce burden on the state budget (APBN). The cooperation pattern that can be implemented is the management cooperation scheme. “The construction will be carried out in collaboration with the private sector using the management cooperation scheme. I am encouraging the construction to be optimised so that it is efficient,” the Transportation Minister said.

During the occasion, the Transportation Minister announced plans to send an official letter to the Public Works and Housing (PUPR) Ministry regarding the construction of a sky bridge connecting the railway station to Ketapang Port in Banyuwangi. “Currently, the design of the sky bridge has been completed. It was designed by Andramatin. However, the construction is still under the authority of the PUPR Ministry. We will deliver a note to the PUPR Minister to accelerate the construction process. So, there will be a sky bridge and a VVIP terminal,” he stated.

Minister Budi Karya announced that the main task of the Transportation Ministry was to connect the potentials of each region.

Banyuwangi is considered to have significant tourism potential. If the regional government optimises this potential, it will receive support from various parties.

One of the infrastructure acceleration projects is the plan to construct a sky bridge connecting Banyuwangi Baru Station to Ketapang Port.

The sky bridge will make it easier for tourists to switch from the railway to ships.

Budi Karya also stated that he was ready to support infrastructure development to enhance Banyuwangi's tourism potential and boost the regional economy. “A productive regency like Banyuwangi is often visited. We are thinking of the connectivity of existing potentials,” he stated.

He affirmed that he appreciated Banyuwangi’s various achievements at the national and international levels. “I visit here the most, why? It has tourist attractions that can be an example for other regencies and regions,” he said.

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