HK completes Lombok Airport runway revitalization

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Investor Daily - HK tuntaskan revitalisasi runway Bandara Lombok

5 November 2022


PT Hutama Karya (Persero) successfully completed the construction of the revitalisation of the runway and supporting facilities at Lombok International Airport in Praya owned by PT Angkasa Pura I to support the G20 Summit.

“The project to extend Lombok International Airport is a regular project or a non-joint project that has been carried out by Hutama Karya since November 2020 and was completed in July 2022,” Hutama Karya Corporate Secretary Executive Vice President (EVP) Tjahjo Purnomo in his official statement in Jakarta on Friday (4/11/2022).

Tjahjo added that this project was part of the regional infrastructure to support Mandalika Special Economic Zone (SEZ) and for the airport to support G20 activities in Bali. The revitalisation can increase the operational capacity of the airport and the runway’s maximum capacity from Boeing 737 to Boeing 777.

In the construction, Hutama Karya also uses high-quality bonding asphalt that uses the performance grading (PG) system that is processed in high temperatures and cooled down rapidly, so it can function immediately after only several hours.

Moreover, PG asphalt is stronger and more resilient against cracks or other damages, so it is commonly used for roads and airport runways.

“Several aspects that support the smoothness of the project implementation include weather control, irrigation channels for water, and changing the operating runway,” Tjahjo said.

The completion of this project is expected to increase the positive contribution of Hutama Karya in the construction of air connectivity infrastructure. Besides that, it is also expected to facilitate the mobility of citizens, accommodate the flow of goods and services, and boost the regional economic wheel and tourism, especially in central and eastern Indonesia.

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