PUPR pushes for accelerated completion of Trans Java Toll Road

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Investor Daily -  PUPR dorong percepatan penuntasan Tol Trans Jawa

2 November 2022

By: Muawwan Daelami and Tri Murti


The Public Works and Housing (PUPR) Ministry is continuously accelerating the construction of Trans Java toll road, which includes Pasuruan-Probolinggo (Paspro) toll segment section 4A (East Probolinggo-Gending) in East Java. Currently, the length of Trans Java toll road has reached 1,056.38 km, and only Paspro toll segment sections 4A and 4B spanning 12.3 km as well as Probolinggo-Banyuwangi toll road spanning 172.91 km are left.

PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono said that toll roads that are connected to production areas, such as industrial estates, tourism destinations, airports, and ports, can reduce logistics costs and increase the competitiveness of domestic products.

“Besides supporting tourism access, Paspro toll segment will also facilitate logistic stevedoring activities at Tanjung Tembaga Port in Probolinggo. Moreover, [it also supports] the surrounding areas such as Situbondo, Bondowoso, Lumajang, Probolinggo Pasuruan, and Malang to support economic growth in East Java,” Minister Basuki said in his official statement in Jakarta Tuesday (1/11/2022).

Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT) Head Danang Parikesit added that Paspro toll segment can reduce traffic jams on the national road from Pasuruan to Probolinggo by around 50%-60% and be an alternative tourism route for Bromo-Tengger-Semeru.

Paspro toll segment has a total length of 43.75 km and comprises of section 1 (Grati Pasuruan-Tongas) spanning 13.5 km, section 2 (Tongas-West Probolinggo) spanning 6.9 km, section 3 (West Probolinggo-East Probolinggo) spanning 10.9 km, section 4A (East Probolinggo-Gending) spanning 8.5 km and section 4B spanning 3.8 km.

Sections 1 to 3 spanning 30.3 km has been operating since 2019 by PT Trans-Jawa Paspro Jalan Tol. Meanwhile, section 4A (East Probolinggo) us still in construction with progress reaching 66.21% that is set to be completed in March 2022 with land acquisition progress reaching 97.4 km. Then, it will be continued by 4B that spans from Gending interchange until the end of the project spanning 3.8 km.

The construction of Paspro toll segment is carried out by the contractor PT Waskita Karya with an investment value of Rp6.3 trillion and a concession right of 50 years. This toll segment has four interchanges, namely Tongas, West Probolinggo, East Probolinggo, and Gending. There are four type B rest areas with two rest areas on the left lane and two on the right lane.

To ensure the sustainability of the services of Paspro toll segment and the rest areas, the PUPR Ministry through Highways Directorate General and Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT) as well as an expert team are making assessments on the field so that the minimum service standards for toll roads and rest areas are fulfilled.

Sustainable Toll Road Assessment Team member Johny P. Kusumo said that, in terms of quality, the quality is good enough as the barrier has been painted and there are beautification efforts.

“However, the rest areas need more guidance from the toll road enterprise so that the rest area management on Paspro toll segment are encouraged to cooperate with more MSMEs,” Johny explained.

Becakayu toll road

On the other hand, PT Waskita Karya (Persero) through its subsidiary, PT Waskita Toll Road (WTR), will soon operate sections 2A and 2A End (Jakasampurna-Marga Jaya) of Bekasi-Cawang-Kampung Melayu (Becakayu) toll segment. Both sections that will be operated by Waskita Toll Road’s subsidiary, which is PT Kresna Kusuma Dyandra Marga (KKDM), span 4.88 km and are set to operate by the end of 2022.

KKDM President Director Aris Mujiono said that sections 2A and 2A End of Becakayu toll segment are in the final preparation stage before operation.

“Currently, both sections have been going through feasibility tests and operation worthiness tests since the end of September 2022, and they are set to operate and set a tariff at the end of 2022,” Aris said yesterday.

Besides that, Aris continued that his company was also preparing the operation of Jatiwaringin Off Ramp that is currently in the traffic engineering stage. He hopes that the addition of section 2A can significantly boost the amount of traffic.

WTR President Director Rudi Purnomo also explained that the operation of sections 2A and 2A End of Becakayu toll segment is a realisation from the injection of the state equity participation (PMN) in 2021 that was received by the company to complete seven existing toll segments until a certain point.

“The PMN that we have received is used to accelerate the completion of the construction progress of existing toll segments, including Becakayu toll segment,” Rudi explained.

This realisation is also Waskita Toll Road’s commitment to constructing an integrated toll road. He also hopes that the operation of both sections can immediately increase the mobility of citizens, especially in East Jakarta, Bekasi, and their vicinity.

Becakayu toll segment that spans 16.8 km consists of sections 1 A-C (Casablanca-Cipinang) that have been operating since 2017. Then, in September 2022, KKDM officially operated three new accesses for Becakayu toll segment, namely Prumpung On Ramp, Casablanca On Ramp, and Wiyoto-Wiyono Connection for Section 1A.

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