PUPR completed 728.85 km of toll road projects

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Investor Daily - PUPR rampungkan proyek tol 728,85 km

17 November 2023


Jakarta - From 2020 to October 2023, the Public Works and Housing (PUPR) Ministry through the Highways Directorate General completed 728.85 km of toll roads.

Highways Director General Hedy Rahadian said that, from 2020 to 2022, the length of toll roads that have been completed span 511.11 km. Meanwhile, until October 2023, 217.8 km of toll roads were completed.

“Toll segments that have been completed in 2023 include Cisumdawu Toll Road Sections 1-3, Cibitung-Cilincing Toll Road (Telaga Asih-Taruma Jaya Section), Sigli-Banda Aceh Toll Road Section 2, Binjai-Langsa Toll Road  (Binjai-Stabat Section), Lubuklinggau-Curup-Bengkulu Toll Road (Bengkulu-Taba Penanjung Section), Pekanbaru-Padang Toll Road (Pekanbaru-Bangkinang Section), and Manado-Bitung Toll Road,” Hedy said in his official statement in Jakarta on Thursday (16/11/2023).

Meanwhile, toll segments that are still in construction in 2023 include IKN Toll Road, Serpong-Balaraja Toll Road Section 1B, and Kuala Tanjung-Tebing Tinggi-Prapat Toll Road Sections 1-2.

Furthermore, the PUPR Ministry through the Highways Directorate General is continuously accelerating the construction of several roads, bridges, and toll roads in various areas in Indonesia. It is carried out to improve interregional connectivity and increase the people’s economy.

According to Hedy, the Highways Directorate General is committed to carrying out major projects in accordance with Presidential Regulation No. 18 of 2020 on 2020-2024 National Medium-term Development Plan (RPJMN). Besides that, the Highways Directorate General is also managing regular and assigned projects. In fiscal year 2022, the Highways Directorate General successfully absorbed a budget of Rp54.4 trillion or 93.71% of the total budget with a physical realisation of 96.13%.

“The budget ceiling of the Highways Directorate General in fiscal year 2023 reaches Rp49.31 trillion. There are several newly assigned projects and major projects set to be completed, so [absorption] will increase gradually to Rp78.96 trillion until November 2023,” Hedy said.

The increase is in line with the completion of other assigned projects, such as Nusantara Capital City (IKN), Batang Integrated Industrial Estate (KIT), Cianjur disaster handling that is allocated Rp1,412 trillion, Trans-Sumatra Toll Road construction that is allocated Rp2,490 trillion, Presidential Instruction on Regional Roads that is allocated Rp14.64 trillion, SBSN launch that is allocated Rp1.58 trillion, PHLN launch and acceleration that is allocated Rp2.70 trillion, and LMAN that is allocated Rp6.37 trillion.

“Until now (14 November 2023), the Highways Directorate General has absorbed Rp47.66 trillion or 60.36%, which is more than half of the total budget allocated. Meanwhile, physical progress has reached 71.42%,” Hedy said.

The Highways Directorate General will continue to implement the RPJMN until the end of 2024. The implementation is expected to improve national road connectivity. The plan includes completing roads and bridges along the southern coast of Java and the borders of Kalimantan and Papua. It also involves providing supporting roads in IKN, the five super priority tourism destinations, and outermost, underdeveloped (3T) regions. Furthermore, the construction of Trans-Papua in West Papua and the completion of Trans-Sumatra Toll Road with the Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT) are also part of the agenda.

Patimban Access Toll Road

Meanwhile, last week, the PUPR Ministry commenced the construction of Patimban Access Toll Road Packages 1-3. PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono said that Patimban Access Toll Road was longed for and would determine the success of Patimban Port in facilitating the logistics flow of cargo in eastern Jakarta.

“The toll road is very strategic. Not only logistics, but it will also control traffic from Jakarta to the west. So, products from the east do not need to go to the west to be exported and imported, they can go directly to the east to reduce the traffic load in Jakarta,” Minister Basuki said in Jakarta on Friday (10/11/2023).

The signing of the contract with the toll road enterprise, which took place at the PUPR Ministry office in Jakarta on Friday (10/11/2023), signifies the commencement of the freeway project. Furthermore, Minister Basuki said that the toll road enterprise must construct Patimban Access Toll Road on time with the best quality.

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