Total budget at Rp9.48tn: Cash for work programme in road and water resources sectors absorbed 343,766 workers

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Investor Daily - Total anggaran Rp9,48 T: Padat karya bidang jalan dan SDA serap 343.766 pekerja

7 November 2023

By: Tri Murti


Jakarta - Until October 2023, the cash for work (PKT) programme in the roads and bridges sector as well as the water resources sector has successfully absorbed 343,766 workers.

Public Works and Housing (PUPR) Minister Basuki Hadimuljono said that the cash for work programme was important to low-income citizens.

“Besides boosting economic growth and the people’s purchasing power, PKT is also meant to distribute funds to villages/remote areas,” Minister Basuki said in his official statement in Jakarta on Monday (6/11/2023).

The e-monitoring data from the PUPR Ministry until 30 October 2023 shows that the financial progress of the PKT programme in the water resources sector has reached 85.24%, while its physical progress has reached 85.62%. Meanwhile, worker absorption has reached 273,641 people.

PKT activities in the water resources sector include the implementation of the Acceleration of the Irrigation Water Use Improvement Programme (P3-TGAI) at 12,000 locations that has a budget of Rp2.3 trillion. Based on the e-monitoring data, the physical progress of P3-TGAI has reached 96.59%, while its financial progress has reached 98.66%. Meanwhile, its workforce absorption has reached 174,3316 people at 11,144 locations.

P3-TGAI employs farmers and locals to improve tertiary irrigation canals from soil canals to be stone-lined canals. The farmers are provided daily or weekly wages, which increase the income of the farmers or the villagers in-between planting and harvest seasons.

Other PKT activities in the water resources sector include the operation and maintenance of irrigation and swamps at 1,225 locations that is allocated Rp585 billion. Until now, the financial progress of the operation and maintenance of irrigation and swamps has reached 74.25%, while its physical progress has reached 83.31%. Meanwhile, it has absorbed 22,220 workers. Besides that, there is the assistant duty for the operation and maintenance of irrigation and swamps that is allocated Rp453 billion. Its financial progress has reached 85.99% with 40,612 workers absorbed.

Next, there is the operation and maintenance of rivers and beaches at 1,524 locations that is allocated Rp493 billion. Its financial and physical progresses have reached 80.81% and 87.66% respectively with 15,423 workers absorbed. The next PKT activity in the water resources sector is the operation and maintenance of groundwater and raw water at 746 locations that is allocated Rp180 billion. Its financial progress has reached 75.32% and its physical progress has reached 83.68% with 6,526 workers absorbed.

Last but not least, there is the operation and maintenance of dams, lakes, and retention basins at 1,318 locations that is allocated Rp624 billion. Its financial progress has reached 1.87% and its physical progress has reached 82.38% with 14,500 workers absorbed at 882 locations.

Besides the PKT activities, there are also 22 packages of contractual activities that implement the cash for work scheme with a budget of Rp6.58 billion. The physical progress has reached 45.05% with 44 workers absorbed.

The acceleration of the PKT programme is expected to maintain the purchasing power of the people amid the global economic uncertainty.

Roads and bridges

On the other hand, Highways Director General Hedy Rahadian said that, in fiscal year 2023, the Highways Directorate General was allocated Rp4.8 trillion to implement the PKT programme in the roads and bridges sector that targets to absorb 80,000 workers at 2,650 locations.

“Until 30 October 2023, the realisation of the cash for work programme in the roads and bridges sector has absorbed Rp2.7 trillion and 70,125 workers at 2,322 locations,” Hedy said yesterday.

The PKT programme in the roads and bridges sector includes routine road maintenance, routine road condition maintenance, road holding, routine bridge maintenance, and drain revitalisation to improve the service quality of national roads. The programme is carried out by the National Road Agency of the Highways Directorate General of the PUPR Ministry.

The PKT programme in fiscal year 2023 allocates a budget of Rp883 billion for routine road maintenance, Rp444 billion for routine road condition maintenance, Rp256 billion for road holding, Rp302 billion for routine bridge maintenance, and Rp178 billion for drain revitalisation.

Besides the PKT programme that implements routine road and bridge maintenance and drain revitalisation, in fiscal year 2023, the Highways Directorate General also implements the cash for work programme for non-routine or contractual activities with a budget of Rp2.74 trillion.

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