Kertajati Airport access: Kertajati BIJB access construction 100% finished

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Bisnis Indonesia - Akses Bandara Kertajati: Pembangunan Akses BIJB Kertajati Rampung 100%

19 October 2021


Bisnis, Majalengka – The construction of Kertajati West Java International Airport (BIJB) toll road access that is directly connected to Cipali toll road at KM 158 + 700 is entering the finalisation stage.

“Kertajati BIJB access construction is 100% finished, including the construction of the toll gate and the office at the toll gate as well as the installation of signs that are in line with the minimum service standard set by the Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Ministry. We hope that the operation of the Kertajati BIJB access can commence immediately after the completion of the functional viability test (ULF) and the issuance of the operational feasibility certificate (SLO),” ASTRA Tol Cipali Operations Director, Agung Prasetyo, explained on Monday (18/10).

Agung added that the construction of Kertajati BIJB toll road access could be finished on time by the end of September as stated by PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono during his visit to the location at the end of August.

During the occasion, Basuki appreciated and mentioned that the construction was excellent and could be finished on time by September 2021, so it was expected to operate by November 2021 to support connectivity to Kertajati BIJB.

“We are thankful for the support of the various parties involved in the toll road construction, which is expected to be inaugurated soon and to operate on time by November 2021. This toll road access can improve the connectivity and the development of West Java, especially Majalengka Regency,” Agung explained.

The toll road construction is one of ASTRA Tol Cipali’s support for the development of the area around the project, especially the Rebana Metropolitan area as West Java Provincial Government’s initiative to balance the economy through infrastructure.

The construction of Kertajati BIJB toll road access will not only be the pride of West Java citizens, but also ASTRA Tol Cipali’s as one of the realisations of ASTRA’s philosophy that will benefit the state through contribution in local areas with icons and landmarks at the interchange of Kertajati access toll road.

These icons or landmarks that show West Java’s characteristics will be themed Melodi Panirama, which means welcoming and accompanying the journey. The construction of the landmarks is expected to not only be a melody that will welcome and accompany toll road users but will also make the scenery seen by travellers on Cipali toll road more beautiful to provide a positive experience for toll road users.

ASTRA Tol Cipali hopes to positively contribute to citizens in 5 regions passed through by Cipali toll road spanning 116.75 km (Purwakarta, Subang, Indramayu, Majalengka, and Cirebon).

Cipali toll road spans from Cikopo in Purwakarta Regency to Subang Regency, Indramayu Regency, Majalengka Regency, until Palimanan in Cirebon Regency.

Cipali toll road is believed to be a cargo distribution route as well as a main transportation route for citizens in Java that will positively impact the growth of industrial estates, housing, offices, tourism, and agribusiness.


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Julian  Smith

Julian Smith

Director, PwC Indonesia

Tel: +62 21 509 92901

Agung  Wiryawan

Agung Wiryawan

Partner, PwC Indonesia

Tel: +62 21 509 92901

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