Investment value at Rp4.28tn: Tender winner of IKN airport to be announced on 7 November

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Investor Daily - Nilai investasi Rp4,28 T: Pemenang tender bandara IKN umumkan 7 November

2 October 2023


Jakarta - The tender winner of the physical construction package of the VVIP airport in Nusantara Capital City (IKN) in East Kalimantan will be announced on 7 November. The investment value of the VVIP airport project reaches Rp4.28 trillion.

“The prequalification announcement will be made around 29 September to 6 October 2023. The explanation on the prequalification document will be made on 2 October 2023. The winner will be determined on around 31 October 2023 to 7 November 2023. The winner announcement will be on 7 November 2023,” the Public Works and Housing (PUPR) Ministry explained as quoted from the tender document on the official website of LPSE PU on Sunday (1/10/2023).

The tender for the physical construction package of the VVIP airport in IKN has 14 participants. One of the technical qualification requirements is that the tender participant must have carried out construction in the last four years.

“They must have carried out construction in the last four years, be it a government or a private project. Subcontracts are included,” the PUPR Ministry wrote in the tender document.

Furthermore, the PUPR Ministry through the East Kalimantan National Road Implementation Centre will construct the VVIP airport to improve the accessibility and the mobility of important guests from and to IKN through air transportation.

Meanwhile, the government is committed to accelerating the construction of two key infrastructures in IKN, namely Balikpapan-Nusantara toll road and the VVIP airport. The PUPR Ministry and the Transportation Ministry are currently focusing on completing both projects.

When he checked the construction progress of the VVIP airport recently, Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi ensured that the construction of the VVIP airport would commence on 1 November 2023. He also mentioned that the airport project has entered the drawing finalisation stage, so it would be tendered soon. 

“We are planning for the construction to commence on 1 November 2023, and it is expected to be completed in the middle of July 2024,” the Transportation Minister said.

The VVIP airport in IKN will have a runway of 3,000 x 45 metres, and it will be able to accommodate wide-body aircrafts, such as Boeing 777-300 ER and Airbus A380. The capacity of the apron can accommodate three wide-body aircrafts and one narrow-body aircraft or seven narrow-body aircrafts. The capacity of the helipad can accommodate three helicopters.

“The terminal of the VVIP airport in IKN will be constructed on top of a land that is 7,000 m2 in size with the VVIP [airport] reaching 1,500 m2,” the Transportation Minister said.

The spatial planning of the airport consists of a VVIP terminal, a VIP terminal, a ground support equipment (GSE) parking space, airside checkpoints, security posts, hangars, a cargo area, a catering area, an aircraft refuelling depot (DPPU), pumphouses, a sewage treatment plant (STP), a waste treatment plant (WTP) , substation power houses, GSE maintenance workshops, worship buildings, offices, quarantine buildings, cafeterias, official houses, a test pilot school (TPS), a meteorological office, an emergency operating centre (EOC), a fire and rescue centre, powerhouses, PLN substations, and ATC towers.

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