Number of landfill infrastructure reaches 268 units

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Investor Daily - Jumlah infrastruktur TPA capai 268 unit

3 October 2023


Jakarta - The Directorate General of Human Settlements of the Public Works and Housing (PUPR) Ministry stated that 268 units of landfill infrastructure have been constructed in the country. East Java is the region that has the most landfills.

“There are 268 landfills with most of the landfills located in East Java, reaching 20 [units] and 122.7 hectares (ha) in size,” Human Settlements Director General Diana Kusumastuti said at the Hari Habitat Dunia - Hari Kota Dunia 2023 event in Jakarta on Monday (2/10/2023).

Diana added that the largest landfill was located in West Java, which reaches 203.14 ha in size. Besides that, the Human Settlements Directorate General has also constructed 148 units of wastewater treatment plants (IPALs). Most of the IPALs are located in East Java, reaching 13 IPALs.

“The largest service scope of IPALs is located in North Sumatra as it reaches 102,880 households,” Diana said.

Meanwhile, there are 222 units of sewer treatment plants (IPLTs) that have been constructed. Most of the IPLTs are located in Aceh Province, reaching 20 IPLTs. The largest service scope of IPLTs is located in West Java Province as it reaches 512,476 households.

The PUPR Ministry as the regulator and the operator of infrastructure realises that the availability of adequate infrastructure also affects other development dimensions, such as education, social, health, regional accessibility, and others.

The availability of adequate sanitation facilities, such as landfills, IPALs, and IPLTs, can significantly improve the healthy lifestyle of the people and reduce the habit of open defecation.

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Julian Smith

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