President: Whoosh high-speed railway marks mass transportation modernisation: Officially operating

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Investor Daily : Presiden: Kereta cepat Whoosh tandai modernisasi transportasi massal: Resmi dioperasikan

3 October 2023

By: Tri Murti & Amrozi Amenan


Jakarta - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has inaugurated the operation of Jakarta-Bandung High-speed Railway (KCJB) or Whoosh that marks the modernisation of mass transportation in Indonesia. It is also integrated with other modes of transportation to implement transit-oriented development (TOD). The high-speed railway will boost economic growth in areas where it travels through.

“KCJB marks the modernisation of our mass transportation to be more efficient, eco-friendly, and integrated with other modes of transportation and TOD [areas],” the President said when he inaugurated KCJB at Halim High-speed Railway Station in East Jakarta on Monday (2/10/2023).

During the inauguration of KCJB, the President was accompanied by Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan and his wife, Communications and Informatics Minister Budi Arie Setiadi, ATR/BPN Minister Hadi Tjahjanto, State-owned Enterprises (SOE) Deputy Minister Kartika Wirjoatmodjo, Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi, MPR Speaker Bambang Susatyo, Acting Jakarta Governor Heru Budi, Acting West Java Governor Bey Machmudin, Public Works and Housing (PUPR) Minister Basuki Hadimuljono, KAI President Director Didiek Hartantyo, KCIC President Director Dwiyana Slamet Riyadi, and Trans Media CEO Chairul Tanjung.

“Bismillahhirrahmannirrahim (In the name of God, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful), I declare Jakarta-Bandung High-speed Railway, Whoosh, to be operational,” the President stated.

The President stated that Whoosh was the first high-speed railway in Southeast Asia to operate at a speed of 350 km per hour. “The high-speed railway is called Whoosh. It is inspired by the sound of the high-speed railway. It is also an acronym of Waktu Hemat Operasi Optimal Sistem Hebat (Time Saving Optimal Operation Great System),” the President said.

The President affirmed that the high-speed railway project was a new endeavour, similar to MRT and LRT.

“The technology, the speed, and the construction, everything is new,“ he emphasised.

Reflecting on the construction of Whoosh, the President said that the nation was not afraid to try new things that could create unforeseen circumstances, such as difficulties in the field, issues, and imperfections.

“New experiences are expensive, but they are valuable. We do not need to be afraid because, if we are consistent, there will be fewer errors and less costs from the errors. So, in the end, production and project costs will also go down,” he said.

The President also emphasised that all parties could not be allergic to criticism, they must remain enthusiastic about learning as their past experiences of constructing infrastructure, which include toll roads, ports, airports, and dams, will prepare us to improve in the future.

“Our courage to try new things provides learning opportunities for our people in the country. It also benefits our human resources as they will be be more advanced and our nation will be more independent,” he said.

After inaugurating Whoosh, President Jokowi and his party tried the trainset numbered G3501 on platform 3 from Halim Station in East Jakarta to Padalarang Station in Bandung Regency. The travel time took 26 minutes.

During the occasion, the President said that the tariff of Whoosh would be around Rp250 thousand to Rp350 thousand per passenger. “We will determine the tariff soon. However, it will be around Rp250 thousand to Rp350 thousand,” the President said.

About when the tariff will be implemented, the President handed over the matter to PT Kereta Cepat Indonesia China (KCIC) as the consortium that constructed KCJB. According to him, the most important thing in managing the high-speed railway is the fast service and the function of the mode of transportation.

“The most important thing is that the people are served quickly and the function of the transportation, not profit and loss,” he stated.

The Head of State said that the government decided to extend the free period of Whoosh until the middle of October 2023.

“We are extending the free period until the middle of the month [of October],” he said.

On the other hand, the President also mentioned about the plan to extend the high-speed railway to Surabaya. He predicts that the study on Surabaya-Bandung High-Speed Railway that involves the initiator will be completed in the next two weeks.

“The study by the initiator on the high-speed railway from Bandung to Surabaya will probably be completed in the next two weeks,” the President stated.

President Jokowi said that the process depended on the result of the study conducted by the relevant authority in the government.

“After it is calculated, it will be decided. The process has always been like that,” he said.

Multiplier effect

During the occasion, Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan said that Whoosh has many benefits, including for the people along its route.

“Through Whoosh, we can provide many benefits for our nation. Besides job creation for locals, it also creates a multiplier effect on other modes of transportation and encourages economic growth in areas that it travels through. It will also encourage technology transfers in the construction sector and modernise the railway system,” Luhut said.

Besides that, Luhut added that the achievement in the transportation sector could be continued by future generations. The inauguration of Whoosh has been expected by the people.

Luhut explained that, when he was tasked to continue the construction of KCJB at the end of 2019, his agency found many issues and hindrances. However, all of them could be resolved thanks to President Jokowi.

“Truthfully, when we were tasked by the President to continue the construction of the high-speed railway at the end of 2019, we found many issues and hindrances that included classic problems such as land acquisition, unoptimized coordination, and lack of funds due to the Covid-19 pandemic,” Luhut stated.

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