PUPR: 192 km of Trans Sumatra toll road to be completed this year

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Investor Daily - PUPR: Tol Trans Sumatra 192 km rampung tahun ini

11 September 2023

By: Amrozi Amenan


Jakarta - The Highways Directorate General of the Public Works and Housing (PUPR) Ministry is targeting five toll segments of Trans Sumatra toll road (JTTS) spanning 192 km to be completed this year.

“The five toll segments are Kuala Tanjung-Tebing Tinggi-Parapat toll segment sections 1-4, Indrapura-Kisaran toll segment sections 1-2, Binjai-Langsa toll segment section 2, Bangkinang-Pangkalan section of Pekanbaru-Padang toll segment phase 1, and Sigli-Banda Aceh toll segment section 1,” Highways Director General of the PUPR Ministry Hedy Rahadian said at a hearing with House of Representatives (DPR) Commission V this week.

Hedy explained that Kuala Tanjung-Tebing Tinggi Parapat toll segment sections 1-4 would improve connectivity in North Sumatra and facilitate tourist access, especially from Medan to Lake Toba Super Priority Tourism Destination (DPSP) and Kuala Tanjung Port. The toll segment is divided into six sections and has an investment value of Rp13.4 trillion.

“Sections 1-4 are worked on using the public-private partnership (PPP) scheme with PT Waskita Karya for sections 2 and 4 and PT Hutama Karya for sections 1 and 4. Meanwhile, sections 5 and 6 are the government’s portion,” Hedy explained.

Next, the progress of Indrapura-Kisaran toll segment sections 1 and 2 spanning 48 km has reached 85.5%. The toll segment is a part of JTTS that connects Tebing Tinggi and Kuala Tanjung Port that will support industrial and tourism development in North Sumatra.

Then, Binjai-Langsa toll segment spanning 26.2 km is divided into two sections, namely section 1 (Binjai-Stabat) spanning 11.8 km that will connect Aceh Province and North Sumatra and section 2 (Stabat-Jalan proklamasi) spanning 7.2 km.

Next, Pekanbaru-Padang toll segment that is still in construction has two sections, namely Bangkinang-Koto Kampar section (24 km) and Padang-Sicincin section (37 km). The part of Pekanbaru-Bangkinang section that is operational reaches 31 km.

Next, Sigli-Banda Aceh toll segment spanning 74 km has one section that is still in construction, which is Sigli-Seulimum section spanning 24.68 km. Sigli-Banda Aceh toll segment consists of six sections, namely section 1 (Padang Tidhi-Seulimum) spanning 24.6 km, section 2 (Seulimeum-Jantho) spanning 6.26 km, section 3 (Jantho-Indrapuri) spanning 16.37 km, section 4 (Indrapuri-Blang Bintang) spanning 14.6 km, section 5 (Blang Bintang-Kutobaro) spanning 7.3 km, and section 6 (Kutobaro-Baitussalam Interchange) spanning 5.01 km.

Indrapura-Kisaran toll segment

On the other hand, PT Hutama Karya (Persero) is also targeting the construction of Indrapura-Kisaran toll segment spanning 47.75 km to be completed this year. The physical construction progress of Indrapura-Kisaran toll segment that is divided into two sections has reached 87.49%. Meanwhile, its land procurement progress has reached 99.59%.

Hutama Karya Operations Director III Koentjoro explained that the completion of Indrapura-Kisaran toll segment was a commitment of the company to developing JTTS.

“The project that has commenced in February 2020 is designed to accommodate a speed of 100 km per hour. It will cut travel time from Medan to Kisaran from 4 hours by half. The toll segment will also shorten access from Kualanamu Port in Medan to Kisaran,” Koentjoro said recently.

Koentjoro explained that the construction progress of section 1 (Indrapura-Limapuluh) spanning 15.6 km has reached 98%, so a provisional handover (PHO) has been carried out from Monday (31/7/2023) to Wednesday (2/8/2023). Meanwhile, the construction of section 2 (Limapuluh-Kisaran) spanning 32.15 km has surpassed 80%.

Meanwhile, the government has provided state equity participation (PMN) to Hutama Karya from 2020 to 2023 to improve national connectivity through toll road development. Until the first half of 2023, the operating toll segments include Medan-Binjai toll segment spanning 17 km, Pekanbaru-Dumai toll segment (131 km), Palembang-Indralaya Interchange toll segment (22 km), Terbanggi Besar-Pematang Panggang-Kayu Agung toll segment (189 km), Bakauheni-Terbanggi Besar toll segment (141 km), and Taba Penanjung-Bengkulu toll segment (18 km).

The toll segments that operate on a functional basis include Sigli-Banda Aceh toll segment spanning 74 km, Binjai-Langsa toll segment (58 km), and Pekanbaru-Koto Kampar toll segment (64 km). Meanwhile, the toll segments that are still in construction include Kisaran-Indrapura toll segment, Kuala Tanjung-Tebing Tinggi-Siantar toll segment, Sicincin-Padang toll segment, and Indralaya Interchange-Prabumulih section of Indralaya Interchange-Muara Enim toll segment. The total length of Trans Sumatra toll road that has been constructed until the first half of 2023 reaches 919 km.

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