Indonesia Insurance Survey 2016

While many market publications focus on market data and the penetration statistics supporting growth opportunity, our survey presents the views of actual executives of top insurance companies in the market on a range of issues relevant to the industry. 

As you will see, the views on growth are still bullish, despite some recent slowdown in the economy and a tough investment market in 2015. However, the survey also highlights that many companies continue to have a need to develop and strengthen their risk management function and their strategy for addressing a very dynamic change underway with digitalisation and the impact of technology. 

Regulation is a hot topic and is seen by the respondents to be a major risk to the industry for the coming two to three years. 

Lastly, there is a war for talent, noted as the #3 risk by both life and non-life insurers. With the expectation for the continued growth, the need for strong talent recruitment, training and management will only increase. 

Contact us

Jusuf Wibisana

Partner, PwC Indonesia

Tel: +62 21 509 92901

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