Indonesia IPO Markets Watch H2 2024
A summary of the 2024 Year in review of Indonesia's IPO Markets Watch. This edition provides a detailed narrative of Indonesia's IPO activities in 2024 and includes the latest updates on the capital markets.
A summary of the 2024 Year in review of Indonesia's IPO Markets Watch. This edition provides a detailed narrative of Indonesia's IPO activities in 2024 and includes the latest updates on the capital markets.
An overview of H1 2024 Review Edition of Indonesia IPO Markets Watch. It offers an in-depth narrative of Indonesia’s IPO activities in H1 2024 and includes updates on the capital markets.
A quick guide for companies listing on the Indonesia Stock Exchange
A Summary Guide for Companies to Listing on the Indonesia Stock Exchange
An overview of the initial public offerings (IPO) and listing activities for Southeast Asia in 2023, and outlook for 2024.
An overview of the Full-Year 2023 Review Edition of Indonesia IPO Markets Watch. This edition provides a thorough retrospective of Indonesia's IPO landscape as we approached the close of 2023, along with insights into what 2024 holds.
An overview of Indonesia IPO markets period-to-date Q3 2023, a look at the IDX market capitalisation from 2015 up to the present and sustainability disclosure requirements in Southeast Asia.
An overview of the initial public offerings (IPO), listing activities and outlook in Indonesia for H1 2023, including developments around ESG and Sustainability.
This publication provides an illustrative set of consolidated financial statements for a listed company, prepared in accordance with the 2024 Indonesian Financial Accounting Standards (“IFAS”) as issued by Indonesian Financial Accounting Standards Board (“the Board”) and best practices in the market.
This publication provides a summary of the key differences between the Indonesian Financial Accounting Standards (IFAS) and the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS Accounting Standards) that are required for annual reporting periods beginning on 1 January 2024.
Indonesian Financial Accounting Standards (IFAS) are being updated, with new revisions set to take effect in 2024. This guide provides a summary of the expected impacts on processes, systems, and business operations, along with key considerations for understanding and implementing these changes in reporting...
This publication presents the sample annual financial report of a fictional non-listed company, PT Indonesia. It illustrates the financial reporting requirements that would apply to such a company under Indonesian Financial Accounting Standards effective as at 1 January 2023.
This publication presents the sample annual financial report of a fictional listed company, PT Indonesia. It illustrates the financial reporting requirements that would apply to such a company under Indonesian Financial Accounting Standards effective as at 1 January 2023.
A summary of the key differences between the Indonesian Financial Accounting Standards (IFAS) and the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS Accounting Standards) that are required for annual reporting periods beginning on 1 January 2023.
A summary of the recognition, measurement and presentation requirements of Indonesia financial accounting standards (PSAK) applicable for financial statements beginning on or after 1 January 2023, unless otherwise indicated.
A practical guide to the new, revised and amended Indonesian Financial Accounting Standards (“IFAS”), which come into effect in 2023. It contains an overview of the changes in reporting requirements, which may then be useful for the entities’ understanding of the potential impacts to its process, system, or business...
This practical guide is designed to help financial reporters understand how green loans will affect their financial statements from classification, recognition, measurement and disclosure.
Publikasi ini menyajikan satu set ilustrasi laporan keuangan konsolidasian, yang disusun sesuai dengan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan Indonesia (“SAK”) yang dikeluarkan oleh Dewan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan (“DSAK”) dan praktik terbaik di pasar, untuk perusahaan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia.
This publication presents the sample annual financial report of a non-listed company, PT Indonesia. It illustrates the financial reporting requirements that would apply to such a company under Indonesian Financial Accounting Standards effective as at 1 January 2022.
A practical guide to the new, revised and amended Indonesian Financial Accounting Standards ("IFAS") which come into effect in 2022.
This pocket guide provides a summary of the recognition, measurement and presentation requirements of Indonesia financial accounting standards (PSAK) applicable for financial statements beginning on or after 1 January 2022, unless otherwise indicated. It does not address in detail the disclosure requirements under...
A summary of the key differences between the Indonesian Financial Accounting Standards (IFAS) and the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) that are required for annual reporting periods beginning on 1 January 2022.
This practical guide is designed to help financial reporters in understanding and implementing the carbon tax scheme in Indonesia under the HPP Law, including the financial reporting implication.
This publication provides an illustrative set of consolidated financial statements, prepared in accordance with Indonesian Financial Accounting Standards (“IFAS”) as issued by Indonesian Financial Accounting Standards Board (“the Board”) and best practices in the market, for a listed company.
This practical guide is written based on principles provided in the IFRIC AD and is designed to help financial reporters in understanding some issues that might need to be considered when determining the appropriate presentation and disclosure for their supplier financing arrangements. These arrangements may lead to...
This publication is a practical guide to the new, revised and amended Indonesian Financial Accounting Standards (“IFAS”), which come into effect in 2021. It contains an overview of the changes in reporting requirements, which may then be useful for the entities’ future reporting periods by gaining sufficient...
This publication reflects the implementation developments and provides guidance on the application of the new standards (PSAK 71, PSAK 72 and PSAK 73) specifically for the real estate industry including updates on land right issued in November 2020
This publication is a practical guide to the new, revised and amended Indonesian Financial Accounting Standards (“IFAS”), which come into effect in 2020. We have listed the most important changes in reporting requirements, helping companies understand what should be applied now and what changes will apply to future...
This publication provides a summary of the key differences between the Indonesian Financial Accounting Standards (IFAS) and the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) that are required for annual reporting periods beginning on 1 January 2020.
Starting January 1, 2020, three new accounting standards for “Financial instruments” (PSAK 71), “Revenue from contracts with customers” (PSAK 72) and “Leases” (PSAK 73), known as the “Big 3 Standards”, are required to be applied by companies reporting under Indonesian financial accounting standards.
This pocket guide provides a summary of the recognition, measurement and presentation requirements of Indonesia financial accounting standards (PSAK) applicable for financial statements beginning period on or after 1 January 2020, unless otherwise indicated. It does not address in detail the disclosure requirements...
Accounting impact on reduction of tax rate as a result of the issuance Perpu 1/2020
The new standards for revenue and leases are not the only new standards to worry about for 2020—there is PSAK 71, Financial Instruments, to consider as well. Contrary to widespread belief, PSAK 71 affects more than just financial institutions. Any entity could incur significant changes to its financial reporting as the...
On 26 July 2017, the DSAK-IAI issued PSAK 72, a new standard for revenue recognition. PSAK 72 is adapted from IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers. Almost all entities will be affected to some extent by the significant increase in required disclosures, but the changes extend beyond disclosures, and the effect...
In 2017 the Indonesian Financial Accounting Standards Board (DSAK-IAI) issued PSAK 73, ‘Leases’, and thereby started a new era of lease accounting for lessees. Whereas, under the previous guidance in PSAK 30, Leases, a lessee had to make a distinction between a finance lease (on balance sheet) and an operating lease...