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Women in Work Index 2022
This year, we celebrate a decade of PwC’s Women in Work Index. The analysis explores the impact of the pandemic on women’s lives, jobs and wellbeing.
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This year, we celebrate a decade of PwC’s Women in Work Index. The analysis explores the impact of the pandemic on women’s lives, jobs and wellbeing.
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Building Resilience for the Future
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High expectations for MWC17 were met as the event had in excess of 100,000 visitors for the first time. Whilst there was plenty of buzz, at PwC we were hard at work trying to separate hype from signs of long-term value for our clients. We hosted many of you from SE Asia this year – more than even before. Here are our 5...
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Enthusiasm, optimism and hope were spread among the Indonesian people when Joko Widodo (Jokowi) was inaugurated as Indonesia’s seventh president. Facing the realities of Indonesia’s complex national and regional politics, weak and bureaucratic institutions, and deeply rooted political patronage system led Jokowi to set...
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"The world of risk is changing. Challenging economic times, volatile world events and fast-changing technology are leaving organisations more vulnerable than ever. It’s much harder to predict where new risk will come from. But, you are adapting and so have we, helping the world's leading businesses to create value in a...
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Those who make the annual pilgrimage to Mobile World Congress will be familiar with the anticlimax on departure from days of buzzing around the noisy halls of the Fira to return to the routine of office work. But this year the event that drew over 100,000 visitors replaced any feelings of sadness with an urgency around...
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Our 5 key trends is a concise discussion of themes to look for in the telecoms industry in 2016. Intended to be short and thought-provoking, please review it and see if our expected trends match with your views and plans. Our industry experts will be happy to discuss the trends in more detail.