Corporate Valuations is a specialised area in our Financial Advisory Services division responsible for Valuation and related Corporate Advisory. Unlike many valuation specialists, the Valuation & Advisory team looks beyond the immediate need to measure value. We have found that clients want more than just a view on value today. More clients are more interested in how this value can be increased and how things will look tomorrow. How does the asset fit into the corporate strategy and how can they best maximise the return on assets.
In this context, we work proactively with our clients to analyse the value drivers, understand how value can either be protected or enhanced and if required establish the best way for this enhanced value to be realised.
Proper valuation is a complex process involving detailed analysis and industry expertise. We have a dedicated team of thirty five Indonesia based valuation specialists who are supported by the regional and global resources of our worldwide valuation practice. Our experience in performing valuations enables us to ensure that our service meets client’s needs and to recognize how those needs can best be met.
A valuation of a company or business assets requires a thorough understanding of the business which involves an independent, objective and experienced assessment of a number of factors, including:
By drawing upon our industry experts, our knowledge of transactions gained through our corporate finance practice and our global network, we ensure that the valuation takes full consideration of all industry-specific and country-specific issues.