We observed that 90% of investors believe that they create value from their mergers and acquisitions (M&A) but the evidence shows that over two-thirds fail. Almost half of synergies are paid in the purchase price and 60% of acquisitions fail to deliver their synergy targets.
Another challenge we saw that it takes acquirers nine months on average to feel in control and the comment made was “I wish we had started earlier”.
It is clear that corporate and private equity buyers/sellers need to quickly and effectively understand the main business drivers, as well as the key areas of upside opportunity to deliver deal value from transactions as quickly and efficiently as possible. Our Delivering Deal value specialists, with deep industry background and deal focus, ensure that transactions are handled with speed, focus and attention to detail.
We uniquely offer complete end to end transaction advice and support, providing our clients with connected global thinking to their investment or disposal decisions.
Our dedicated deal team comprises of functional specialists from industry such as strategy, operation, finance, IT, and HR, ensuring you have the best information and experience to maximise deal value through both pre and post deal phases.
Our specialists work with flexible approaches, to complement the styles and investment timeframes of our clients, and where appropriate, secure lasting change. Find out more about how our comprehensive range of services, expertise and proven results can help you reach your transaction goals quickly, efficiently and with the maximum value.