Indirect Tax and World-Trade Management Services

We provide services relating to VAT, luxury sales goods tax, and customs. In this respect, our services include:

  • Tax Advisory and Planning involving VAT and Sales Tax on Luxury Goods
  • VAT refund services
  • VAT disputes services (audit, objection and appeal)
  • VAT training
  • Customs Training
  • Customs Audits, Objection and Appeal
  • Customs Valuation (planning and risk management)
  • Customs HS tariff classification (planning and rulings)
  • Strategic trade planning (e.g. ASEAN-AFTA)
  • Dispute resolution
  • Licence applications (e.g. Customs Registration Certificate/SRP, Limited Importer Identification Card/APIT)
  • Customs Bonded Zone and Bonded Warehouse application and implementation
  • Import facilities (from BKPM, KITE, Customs, etc.)
  • Refund and duty drawback application
  • VAT and Customs due diligence review
  • Self-assessment
  • General customs advice
  • Anti-dumping and countervailing
  • General customs management (e.g. Customs Broker selection, engagement and performance review)

How PwC can help you

The Customs Group at PwC has considerable practical experience in customs and international trade matters, including customs strategic planning and tariff classification.

Our group are part of the regional team covering all the ASEAN countries as well as Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Japan.

The Customs group has developed what we believe is a best in class tariff classification tool-set and workflow process to provide clients with a level of assurance that tariff classifications are correctly determined, so that incorrect declarations are not inadvertently made to Customs.

We can also assist you in managing the transition to the new AHTN, identifying issues specific to your business, monitoring developments, determining where formal tariff rulings should be requested, and obtaining those rulings.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you are interested in further discussing how we can help you with the implementation of the ASEAN Harmonized Tariff Nomenclature or with any other customs and international trade issues.

Contact us

Suyanti Halim

Suyanti Halim

TLS Leader, PwC Indonesia

Tel: +62 21 509 92901