We understand that from time to time your company details may change including your nominated Bank account(s). To ensure that PwC Middle East holds accurate information, please fill in the amendment form.
To access the information amendment form please click here.
All required documents to support your amendment should be submitted along with the form. Once your request has been received, PwC will complete a full review of your amended company profile. As detailed above, if additional screening checks are required, PwC’s Procurement Operations will be in contact with you within two working days of your submission. Where you are notifying PwC of a change to your bank account details, written confirmation from your bank (please see documents below) will be required. The beneficiary account must be the same as the contracted entity entered into with PwC.
1. Bank verification as per below requirements
2. Company / Individual Verification:
3. Tax / VAT Certification (if applicable)
4. Insurance certificates (if applicable)