At PwC, we expect the same level of integrity and business conduct from our Third Parties and their personnel as we do our own people. These standards are explained in our Global Third Party Code of Conduct.
Knowing, understanding, and behaving according to the Third Party Code is a fundamental requirement to working for or with PwC. PwC expects Third Parties to be mindful of their ethical responsibilities and to embed the behaviours outlined in Third Party Code into their work for or with PwC.
We acknowledge that no code can address every situation that Third Parties may encounter. As a result, the Third Party Code is not a substitute for Third Parties’ own accountability and responsibility to exercise good judgment and proper business conduct.
If you are a Third Party to PwC and come across a situation that may be inconsistent with the Third Party Code, we encourage you to seek guidance from those within PwC designated as responsible for your services for or with PwC, or contact PwC’s Middle East Ethics and Compliance helpline.
We value the courage it takes to raise concerns and will review/investigate reported concerns raised by our Third Parties.
Something doesn't seem right? Facing a dilemma? Speak up. It's the right thing to do.
© 2017 - 2025 PwC. All rights reserved. PwC refers to the PwC network and/or one or more of its member firms, each of which is a separate legal entity. Please see for further details.