Care Coordination:

A golden thread to transform healthcare

 Privacy and AI
  • Publication
  • December 04, 2023

The GCC today is widely regarded as a “moonshot” region, fuelled by rapid transformation and guided by ambitious national visions. To accelerate innovation and support the health of future generations, governments across our region are prioritising accessible, affordable, and high-quality healthcare services as part of their national agendas.

Healthcare transformation in the GCC region is driving sustainable solutions to future-proof nations, creating healthcare models that are preventive and tailored for the patient, lessening the economic burden of healthcare costs through population health programmes, expanding the nation’s digital health footprint, and advancing targeted therapies towards rare and chronic diseases.

In healthcare, traditional organisational structures with siloed operating models lead to higher costs, suboptimal patient outcomes and a lack of value. Care coordination provides an opportunity to offer clarity and order within the healthcare ecosystem. It is a requirement for any health system that is on the journey towards achieving a sustainable, value-based future through the Quadruple Aim of:

  1. Improved patient experience 

  2. Better outcomes

  3. Improved health professional wellbeing

  4. Lower costs

The benefits and opportunities of effective and at-scale care coordination are experienced by multiple stakeholders within the health ecosystem including regulators, providers, payers, healthcare professionals and patients.  

Adopting and implementing effective care coordination can support and enhance healthcare transformation strategies and programmes, including payment reforms, models of care, population health management, patient-centric care, and precision medicine.

This is ultimately underpinned by technology, as digital solutions are required to provide timely, sufficient, accurate data to those involved in delivering care and support the transition from care coordination to care orchestration. 

Care coordination is a golden thread that offers opportunities throughout healthcare transformation, but requires careful consideration and implementation. In this report, we examine the key challenges and enablers to achieving care coordination, the role of technology in supercharging this transformation, and explore the essential function care coordination plays in underpinning the way the GCC is reimaging healthcare across the region, through its nations visions and transformation programs. We also outline the next steps that healthcare organisations need to take on the journey to achieve care coordination and orchestration: enabling healthcare ecosystems, and society at large, to be fit for the future.

Care Coordination:

A golden thread to transform healthcare

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Richard  Jenkins

Richard Jenkins

Chief Medical Officer, PwC Middle East

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