US$320 billion by 2030?

The potential impact of Artificial Intelligence in the Middle East

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a source of both huge excitement and apprehension. This report identifies the potential economic impact of AI in the Middle East.

Which regions will gain the most from AI?

Which regions will gain the most from AI?

Changing the game

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is going to be a big game changer in the global economy, and much of the value potential is up for grabs. We estimate that AI could contribute up to $15.7 trillion to the global economy in 20301, more than the current output of China and India combined. Of this, $6.6 trillion is likely to come from increased productivity and $9.1 trillion is likely to come from benefits to consumers.

The US$320 billion impact of AI for the Middle East2

In the wake of the fourth industrial revolution, governments and businesses across the Middle East are beginning to realise the shift globally towards AI and advanced technologies. They are faced with a choice between being a part of the technological disruption, or being left behind. When we look at the economic impact for the region, being left behind is not an option. We estimate that the Middle East is expected to accrue 2% of the total global benefits of AI in 2030. This is equivalent to US$320 billion.

In absolute terms, the largest gains are expected to accrue to Saudi Arabia where AI is expected to contribute over US$135.2 billion in 2030 to the economy, equivalent to 12.4% of GDP. In relative terms the UAE is expected to see the largest impact of close to 14% of 2030 GDP.

The impact could be even larger if governments continue to push the boundaries of innovation and implementation of AI across businesses and sectors.

The annual growth in the contribution of AI is expected to range between 20-34% per year across the region, with the fastest growth in the UAE followed by Saudi Arabia.

The magnitude of the impact expected in these two economies is unsurprising given their relative investment in AI technology compared to the rest of the Middle Eastern region - both countries place within the top 50 countries in the world on the Global Innovation Index 20173 in terms of their ability to innovate and the outputs of their innovation.

Endless opportunities await

AI has the potential to fundamentally disrupt markets in the Middle East through the creation of innovative new services and entirely new business models. We’ve already seen the impact of the first wave of digitisation. With the eruption of AI, some of the market leaders in ten, even five years’ time may be companies you’ve never heard of.

Tomorrow’s market leaders are likely to be exploring the possibilities and setting their strategies today.

In its current scenario, the region is able to take their cut of the AI phenomenon and inject US$320 billion into the region. If governments and businesses nurture and mature AI to its fullest extent, there is so much more ‘up for grabs’ and endless opportunities await.

The average annual growth in the contribution of AI by region between 2018-2030
The average annual growth in the contribution of AI by region between 2018-2030

How can the region play to win?

The world is moving towards AI and in these early stages of development, there is an opportunity for the region to become a key player in the global agenda. Our ‘US$320 billion scenario’ takes into account what the region is doing now. However, there are greater, untapped opportunities that could increase the impact of AI on the region’s economy.

The current state of play

Parts of the region have already embraced AI and the new digital age. Analysis conducted by the International Data Corporation (IDC)4 estimates that spending on cognitive and artificial intelligence (AI) systems in the Middle East and Africa (MEA) region will grow from $37.5 million in 2017 to over $100 million by 2021, representing a growth rate of 32% a year.

Beyond 2030, the scope of AI impacts on both the economy and society will almost certainly increase, so it is important for the Middle East to be strategically placed in order to provide a springboard for the future.

The UAE, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, in particular, have demonstrated strong commitment towards the development and implementation of AI technologies. Businesses in these parts of the region have been investing heavily in new technology, supported by governments as early consumers of the technology. Outside the gulf economies, however, adoption has been slower. The differences in adoption levels are driven by differences in, for example, infrastructure and access to skilled labour, key enabling factors for AI development.

It’s important also to note that whilst the volatility in oil prices is taking its toll on the economic prospects of the region, it is creating the need for governments to seek alternative sources for revenue and growth. The development of non-oil sectors through investment in AI technologies could strategically position the region for the years to come.

Created with Highcharts 9.2.2% of baselineContribution of AI to GDP by regions, 2030Chart subtitleMiddle East economiesNon-Middle Eastern regionsChinaNorth AmericaUnited ArabEmiratesKingdom ofSaudi ArabiaSouthernEuropeDevelopedAsiaNorthernEuropeGCC4(Bahrain,Kuwait, Oman,Qatar)EgyptLatin America0.0 %10.0 %20.0 %30.0 %

AI at the industry level

The potential for AI adoption varies by industry. Research conducted by the International Data Corporation (IDC)11 finds that the biggest opportunity for AI in the Middle East and Africa region is in the financial sector where it is estimated that 25% of all AI investment in the region predicted for 2021, or $28.3 million, will be spent on developing AI solutions. This is followed by the public services, including education and healthcare, and the manufacturing sector.

The potential gains at the industry level is likely to depend on two broad factors:

  1. The ability to automate processes: labour-intensive sectors, such as retail and health, with greater scope for automation, are likely to see the largest initial gains from AI. These industries are expected to see significant labour productivity benefits from AI adoption.
  2. Sector-level use cases for product enhancement: sectors with compelling use cases in AI applications are more likely to innovate in early stages of AI development. PwC’s Data Analytics team in the US have developed an AI Impact Index12 through conducting a qualitative assessment to estimate the scale of product enhancements we will expect to see by 2030. The analysis assessed almost 300 use cases to identify the scope for product enhancements through personalisation, product quality, and time savings for consumers as well as scope for increased variety in products. The index indicates the highest potential for product enhancements in the health, automotive and financial services sectors.

The development of non-oil sectors through investment in AI technologies could strategically position the region for the years to come.

Despite the greater potential for direct gains in specific sectors, the gains are unlikely to remain concentrated in these sectors which develop and adopt AI technologies. As these sectors experience growth through the direct effects of AI, their demand for inputs from other sectors of the economy will also grow. Similarly, the increased wages associated with higher labour productivity in these sectors will also increase consumer demand in all sectors of the economy. These indirect and induced impacts of AI are likely to be felt by firms and consumers throughout the economy and will add to the total economic impact of AI.

Contribution of AI to industry in 2030
  Absolute contribution in 2030 (US$ billions) Contribution of AI to Middle East GDP by industry
Construction and Manufacturing $99 12.4%
Energy, Utilities & Resources $78 6.3%
Public sector, including health and education $59 18.6%
Financial, Professional, Administrative Services
$38 13.6%
Retail, Wholesale Trade, Consumer Goods, Accomodation and Food Services
$23 19%
Transport and Logistics $12 15.2%
Technology, Media, Telecommunications $10 14%

Helping you make the most of AI

PwC is working with governments and corporates across each of the different sectors highlighted in this report, to help them plan for and take advantage of AI to support their impact on strategy and performance.

If you would be interested in a consultation about the potential within your business, please feel free to get in touch.

Overview of the approach

Overview of the approach

Our approach seeks to quantify the total economic impact of artificial intelligence on the economies of 7 countries in the Middle East (Egypt, UAE, Saudi Arabia, and four countries have been grouped: Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman and Qatar) via productivity gains and consumption side impacts between now and 2030.

We have completed a number of stages of analysis in order to estimate the “first-round” impacts on jobs, productivity and product enhancements that have been inputted into our dynamic economic model in order to estimate the future size of the AI prize.

  • On the production side, we focus on AI’s impact on labour productivity through automation. This required estimating the marginal impact of AI on productivity, the scale of automation expected to take place, the amount of AI replacing human labour and the amount of AI augmenting human labour for every industry in the Middle East between now and 2030.
  • On the consumption side, we focus on AI’s impact on product enhancements which include increased quality, personalisation (i.e. product variety), as well as increased time-available for leisure or work.

We have used a dynamic economic model to evaluate the “net” impact of each channel on GDP and the economies as a whole.

Our results estimate the upwards pressure on GDP as a result of AI only, under the ceteris paribus assumption. Our results may not be directly reflected in future economic growth figures, as there will be many positive or negative forces that either amplify or cancel out the potential effects of AI (e.g. shifts in global trade policy, financial booms and busts, major commodity price changes, geopolitical shocks etc.).

[1][12] PwC (2017), ‘Sizing the Prize: What’s the real value of AI for your business and how can you captialise?’
[2] For the purpose of this analysis, Middle East refers to the GCC plus Egypt
[3] WIPO, Cornell, INSEAD (2017), ‹The Global Innovation Index 2017 - Innovation feeding the world›
[4][11] IDC (2017), ‘Spending on Cognitive & Artificial Intelligence Systems to Undergo Sustained Period of Growth in the Middle East & Africa, says IDC’ [Press release]
[5] Smart Dubai 2021
[6] Khaleej Times (27 March 2017) ‘Smart lab accelerates AI move’’
[7][8] UAE Government (2017), UAE future 2030-2021
[9] Vison 2030 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, ‘National Transformation Programme 2020’
[10] World Bank (2017), ‘Unemployment, youth total (% of total labor force ages 24-15)’

Contact us

Stephen Anderson

Stephen Anderson

Strategy Leader, PwC Middle East

Richard Boxshall

Richard Boxshall

Global Economics Leader and Middle East Chief Economist, PwC Middle East

Tel: +971 (0)4 304 3100

Hamish Clark

Hamish Clark

Health Industries Partner and Chief Wellness Officer, PwC Middle East

Ali Hosseini

Ali Hosseini

Chief AI and Technology Officer, PwC Middle East

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