Report on Chinese Investors’ Confidence in the Middle East

This report is the latest in PwC China’s 'Global Investor Confidence Survey’ series. This report follows numerous reports, including China- ASEAN Economic and Trade Cooperation Survey Report; AmCham Shanghai: China Business Report 2021; The Report on the Development of Japanese Corporate in Chinain 2021; Chinese Investors’ Confidence Report Under the Context of CAI; and MNC in China: Capture market and growth opportunities.

This report focuses on the present situation of Chinese investors in the Middle East, the attractiveness of the Middle East market, the challenges and future expectations they are facing and their future business plans. We interviewed senior executives at Chinese investment institutions on their experience in growing in the Middle East market.

We hope this report will provide some insight for Chinese investors to ’go out’ and invest in the Middle East. We look forward to working with all sectors to realise opportunities and be the builders, contributors and beneficiaries of the BRI.

“We believe that although the road to globalisation is full of bumps and winding turns, the future still looks bright for investors. Steering globalisation back on the right track would require the active participation of emerging economies and sectors around the world. The Middle East, a vibrant region of history and vigor, will play a more important role in the new era of globalisation.”

More than half the Chinese investors have set up headquarters in the Middle East, of which 80% are located in the UAE.

Headquarters establishment in the Middle East:

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Steven Shum

Associate Director, PwC China

Tel: +[86] (21) 2323 3633

Annie Han

Director, PwC China

Tel: +[86] (10) 6533 7012

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