Capital Markets and Accounting Advisory Services

Delivering value to clients around accounting for complex transactions and accounting change

Supporting clients in moments of exceptional change

If you face change, you will encounter complex accounting and financial reporting challenges. We can help you navigate these challenges and preserve the value of your business. Our key strength is the wealth of experience we have in helping our clients manage these complex events.

Client change


  • Deals accounting
  • Treasury accounting
  • Post-deal accounting and purchase price allocation

Capital raising

  • Capital markets advisory
  • IPO readiness
  • Capital markets assurance


  • Exit readiness
  • Special financials and carve-outs
  • Accounting structuring


  • Restructuring
  • Complex projects advisory


  • GAAP conversions
  • Accounting standards change

En­vi­ron­ment change




CMAAS key competencies

Accounting and reporting specialism

Understanding deals behaviour

Transformation capability

Integrating accounting with IT and processes

Our services

PwC’s Capital Markets and Accounting Advisory Services ("CMAAS") is a regionally based group of highly-experienced professionals who provide clients with independent and objective advice on transaction accounting, accounting change and accounting problem solving.

Some of the core professional advisory services provided by our CMAAS team in the Middle East include:

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Equity advisory

Capital markets are changing and companies are increasingly looking for independent advice and a higher level of support as they approach the market to raise equity.

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Executing an IPO

Going public is, in every sense, a transformational event. It requires significant effort and the many different parts of your business to work together towards a common goal. Learn about what you'll need to consider at every stage, before and beyond your IPO.

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Executing a debt offering

The debt capital markets are challenging and complex to navigate and successfully completing a debt offering requires thoughtful planning and execution.

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Accounting conversions and transaction accounting

Our accounting advisory team aims to support our clients with a range of services relating to complex accounting change comprising: IFRS conversions , transaction accounting (including post deal accounting and valuation), carve out financial statements and general support with accounting standards change.

Accounting structuring

Our dedicated accounting structuring experts have advised on the design, structure and problem solving for over 250 regional transactions including IPOs, mergers and acquisitions, divestments, group reorganisations, joint ownership/ control, debt/ equity structuring, distressed restructurings and balance sheet/ reserves restructuring.

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Treasury Accounting (including IFRS 9)

We specialise in assisting our financial services clients with the nuances of the current IAS 39 principally with respect to derivatives and hedge accounting as well as the complexities associated with the implementation of IFRS 9, with a particular focus on credit impairment.

Government accounting

We specialise in supporting regional governments with their transition from cash accounting to accruals accounting under International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) and in developing accounting frameworks that will enable their fiscal performance to be effectively managed and measured.

Enterprise Asset Management (EAM)

For asset-intensive organisations, improvement of asset performance and cost reduction are critical challenges. We can help our clients improve their installed asset base and capital expenditures through capital portfolio management and robust strategies to operate and maintain assets.

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New IFRS 15 - Revenue from contracts with customers

The new standard is designed to account for the fact that in today's world, almost all businesses are introducing innovative revenue generation models such as contracts that include a bundle of goods and services, contingent pricing arrangements, goods or services that are delivered over time, licensing agreements and other complex arrangements.

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New IFRS 16 - Leases

Leasing is an important financial solution used by many organisations. It enables companies to use property, plant, and equipment without needing to incur large initial cash outflows. The IASB announced the new leasing standard in January 2016 – it comes into effect on 1 January 2019.

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New IFRS 17 - Insurance Contracts

The insurance industry has been waiting for the issuance of IFRS 17 for many years and in May 2017, the IASB issued the new standard which is effective from 1 January 2021 with prior year comparative information being required. The standard will bring significant changes to financial reporting, including changes to systems, processes and data requirements. Middle East insurers will need to assess the implications and plan their implementations carefully.

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Contact us

Muhammad Hassan

Muhammad Hassan

Capital Markets Leader, PwC Middle East

Tel: +971 4 3043443

Danny Barclay

Danny Barclay

Capital Market Director, PwC Middle East

Tel: +971 50 129 1462

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