The Egyptian Law No. 151 of 2020 was published in July 2020, and will take effect in October 2020. Additional accompanying laws are expected to be published within the next year. The Law prohibits the processing of personal data without the explicit consent of individuals and gives them multiple rights such as restricting access to their data, reversing prior consent, and being informed in case of any data breach.
Organisations may need to obtain an authorised license in order to process both personal and sensitive personal data. This data can only be collected for specific legitimate purposes and should not be retained longer than necessary.
Additionally, organisations involved in the processing of personal information are expected to appoint an authorised Data Protection Officer (DPO) who will be responsible for the application of this law within the organisation.
If your organisation fails to comply with Law No.151 of 2020, then you may be exposed to significant administrative fines (up to EGP 5m) as well as criminal penalties (imprisonment of more than six months).
We have developed a self-assessment for organisations to determine their maturity against the Egypt data protection law requirements. Powered by our Digital Trust Manager: Assess platform, the tool uses business intelligence and data visualisation to identify where your organisation currently stands, and provides clear recommendations of where you should focus on.
Results dashboard
Clear visuals demonstrate current status versus the target maturity level.
Bespoke recommendations for improvement
Receive bespoke recommendations on how to progress from your current status to your target maturity level.
The Data Privacy handbook is a toolkit that explains the key principles of data privacy and contains the resources to help you assess your current business processes against data privacy best practices and laws. This toolkit is suitable for all organisations processing personal data and looking for a practical approach to build their data privacy programmes, be it to comply with privacy regulations or to gain competitive advantage.
Richard Chudzynski
Data Privacy and Protection Legal Leader, PwC Legal Middle East
Tel: +971 56 417 6591
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