Data privacy in a box solution
The Qatari Law No. 13 of 2016 ("the Personal Data Privacy Protection Law") took effect in 2017, with the aim of protecting and providing guidelines of processing personal data within Qatar.
In December 2020, the Compliance and Data Protection Department (CDP) within the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MOTC) published new guidelines in relation to the Law.
The scope of the PDPPL applies to personal data that is received, collected, extracted or processed through electronic or traditional methods.
Any organisation that processes such personal data must adhere to the principles of transparency, fairness and respect for human dignity. The law has a large focus on organisations ensuring that the personal data they process is up to date and there are adequate measures in place for safe custody of the personal data.
If your organisation fails to protect personal data and comply with Law No. 13 then you are exposed to not only high financial penalties (ranging from QAR 1,000,000 to QAR 5,000,000 in fines) but operational inefficiencies, intervention by regulators, and most importantly permanent loss of your consumer trust.
We have developed a self-assessment for organisations to determine their maturity against the PDPPL requirements. Powered by our Digital Trust Manager: Assess platform, the tool uses business intelligence and data visualisation to identify where your organisation currently stands, and provides clear recommendations of where you should focus on.
Results dashboard
Clear visuals demonstrate current status versus the target maturity level.
Bespoke recommendations for improvement
Receive bespoke recommendations on how to progress from your current status to your target maturity level.
The Data Privacy handbook is a toolkit that explains the key principles of data privacy and contains the resources to help you assess your current business processes against data privacy best practices and laws. This toolkit is suitable for all organisations processing personal data and looking for a practical approach to build their data privacy programmes, be it to comply with privacy regulations or to gain competitive advantage.
To support your data protection compliance journey towards meeting PDPPL’s requirements, the data privacy in a box solution contains a ready to use customisable template that you could quickly deploy.
In addition to the templates, we will include two hours of a subject matter expert to run a PDPPL in-depth training session and explanation of the templates for your key stakeholders.