Every Taxable Person will be required to register electronically for UAE CT with the Authority within a prescribed timeline and obtain a Tax Registration Number. The registration would need to be undertaken even if the Taxable Person has already been registered for Value Added Tax purposes.
In order to keep the administrative burden on taxpayers to a minimum, the CT Law requires a Taxable Person to file only one tax return for each tax period.
Please see examples of filing, payment and Transfer pricing disclosure timelines in the table below:
Fiscal Year End |
First Reporting Period |
Registration date |
Due Date of filing first CT Return and payment |
Due Date for first TP disclosure form |
December 2022 |
January 2024 to December 2024 |
To be determined |
30 September 2025 |
30 September 2025 |
June 2023 |
July 2023 to June 2024 |
To be determined |
31 March 2025 |
31 March 2025 |
The filing will need to be done electronically no later than nine months from the end of the relevant tax period. Any UAE CT payable will also need to be settled within these timelines.
While further guidance on the form of the UAE CT return will be provided by the Authority, the CT Law prescribes certain specific details, which inter alia includes the tax period to which the UEA CT return relates, the accounting basis used in the financial statements, the Taxable Income for the tax period, the amount of tax loss relief claimed, the available tax credits claimed and the UAE CT payable for the tax period.
The CT Law introduces transfer pricing (‘TP’) rules and regulations. The transfer pricing regulations take immediate effect coinciding with the effective date of the other tax Provisions.
Both cross border and domestic transactions and arrangements between Related Parties (including transactions undertaken by Free Zone entities) need to adhere to the arm’s length standard i.e., transactions must be undertaken as if they are carried out between independent parties under similar circumstances.
Furthermore, payments and benefits provided to Connected Persons should be at Market Value, which should be determined by applying the arm’s length standard.
Arm’s Length Principle
In order to determine the arm’s length nature of the transactions between Related Parties, the CT Law prescribes five methods which are broadly aligned with the OECD TP Guidelines.
Additional guidance on the application of the arm’s length principle is expected to be issued at a later date under a separate decision of the Authority (e.g. measure of arm’s length range - interquartile vs full range, benchmarking guidance, financial transactions, intra-group services, intangibles, etc.).
As a member of the OECD Inclusive Framework on BEPS, the UAE should adopt and implement Pillar Two (referred to as the “GloBE” rules).
The GloBE rules impose an additional ‘top-up’ tax on the profits earned in each jurisdiction that large multinational groups operate in where the effective tax rate in these jurisdictions is lower than 15%. The GloBE rules provide for two mechanisms for the collection of the additional top-up tax, namely the Income Inclusion Rule (‘IIR’), the Undertaxed Payments Rule (‘UTPR’).
The IIR imposes a top-up tax on an Ultimate Parent Entity in its jurisdiction of tax residence with respect to a low-taxed foreign subsidiary, while the UTPR imposes a top-up tax through a denial of deductions or other adjustment.
The CT Law does not currently make reference to Pillar Two or a potential higher tax rate for large multinational groups. Until such time as the Pillar Two rules are adopted by the UAE, UAE entities that are part of multinational group will be subject to CT under the regular UAE CT regime.