
In a fluid, fast-changing global marketplace, structural and business flexibility has become a competitive necessity for large organisations.

Irrespective of your situation and needs, chances are that a corporate or business reorganisation of some kind may well be in your sights.  How you go about it - and what legal advisor you use - will affect the outcome, over both the short and long term.  Our restructuring lawyers are ideally placed to support your project. We work alongside PwC’s tax and accounting teams to provide world-class advice and effectively execute group reorganisations, transactions and restructuring projects.

Why undertake a restructuring?

  • Rationalising business operations and group structures to help preserve cash during uncertain times 

  • Separating business divisions, ringfencing assets and protecting shareholders from liability

  • Planning for a future acquisition or divestment or raising financing through debt or equity

  • Increasing liquidity by restructuring debt and financing facilities can help create financial security and make repayments more manageable

  • Enhancing group corporate governance, increasing oversight of the group and ensuring effective control of the group’s operations helps promote trust and confidence in the ownership and management of the group

  • Improving tax efficiencies regionally and globally is a key factor in restructuring

Compliance, regulation, treasury, tax, transactions, accounting, immigration, labour, operations and governance - the list of critical issues that have to be taken into account during the course of a restructuring project is significant.  At PwC Legal we provide one single point of contact for your project to help solve your issues and seamlessly execute the project enabling you to focus on your business strategy.

Whatever restructuring is required, we can be your partner in the Middle East and around the globe.

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