The UAE Ministry of Finance has issued Ministerial Decision No. 64 of 2025 (the Decision), setting out the eligibility criteria and accreditation procedure for service providers under the UAE’s upcoming eInvoicing system. The Decision can be found here.
While this decision primarily impacts service providers, it is important for businesses required to comply with eInvoicing in the UAE to be aware of these criteria when selecting an Accredited Service Provider (ASP).
The Decision outlines the eligibility criteria and accreditation process for service providers under the UAE’s eInvoicing system. As per the decision, service providers applying for accreditation must fulfill following key conditions/ requirements:
Company registration documents (trade license, proof of paid-up capital, representative Power of Attorney, etc).
Peppol certification, including an OpenPeppol PKI certificate, signed service provider agreement, and verifiable proof of eInvoicing experience.
ISO 22301 certification (for business continuity compliance).
ISO/IEC 27001 certification for Peppol Service Provider Product (PSP) information security requirements.
Mandatory insurance requirements
Compliance with tax registration obligations.
Proof of ongoing support and maintenance.
Commitment to provide per annum (100) hundred free eInvoice exchange and reporting services.
Accreditation status shall be valid for (2) two years from the date of grant and will require ongoing evaluation.
Accreditation requirement for service providers and pre-approval
Key eligibility criteria for accreditation
To qualify, a service provider must:
Key company registration requirements
Key technical & compliance requirements
*ASP to comply with end user-specific regulatory requirements, including application and data hosting, storage, archival and residency requirements, such as national cloud security policy and critical information infrastructure protection policy.
Self-declaration requirements
The service provider must declare that:
Insurance requirements
Accredited providers must maintain following minimum insurance from companies operating in the UAE:
Application / testing procedures & validity
Accreditation is granted upon successful completion of testing and the accreditation is valid for two years, after which renewal is required
Ongoing compliance & renewal
Termination of accreditation
Accreditation may be terminated if the provider:
How PwC can help you in your eInvoicing journey
PwC offers comprehensive support to help businesses prepare for the UAE’s eInvoicing transition, leveraging our regional expertise, global network, and proven eInvoicing implementation experience. Our services include:
It is important that businesses proactively engage with potential ASPs to ensure timely onboarding, system integration, and compliance.
We recommend contacting your regular PwC representative or our eInvoicing team today to ensure your business is fully prepared for UAE eInvoicing implementation .
Service providers should review the decision carefully to understand the strict eligibility, security, and compliance requirements before applying for accreditation. Businesses should first conduct an internal impact assessment to evaluate how these requirements may affect their systems, processes, and readiness for integration. Based on the outcomes, they can then proactively engage with potential ASPs to ensure timely implementation and avoid compliance or service disruptions.
Jochem Rossel
Tax & Legal Services Leader, PwC Middle East
Hafez Yamin
Steven Cawdron
Transfer Pricing Leader, PwC Middle East
Chadi Abou Chakra
Guido Lubbers
Ishan Kathuria
Maher ElAawar
Marc Collenette
Carlos Garcia