
Defining a customer-driven logistics strategy that optimizes warehousing and transportation operations with a focus on reducing costs and improving customer service levels.

Common Issues

  • Misaligned logistics capacity vs. actual customer demand
  • Dissatisfied customers due to long lead times or delays
  • Suboptimal warehouse network or footprint with multiple reloading points
  • Increasing warehousing and transportation costs
  • Underutilized warehouses and transportation fleet 
  • High value of goods in transit
  • Expensive modes of transport to meet service levels
  • Struggling to build world-class in-house logistics capabilities

How We Can Help

  • Logistics Network Strategy: Develop logistics strategy and optimize distribution network
  • Transportation Fleet Optimization: Improve transportation fleet effectiveness and reduce overall cost of delivery
  • Warehouse Ops / 3rd Party Logistics: Optimize warehouse operations and create differentiating logistics capabilities utilizing third party providers


  • Reduced operational logistics costs
  • Lower capex requirements
  • Optimized logistics network that balances costs and customer service levels
  • Improved customer satisfaction through reliable delivery performance
  • Increased efficiency and utilization of warehouses and transportation fleet
  • Hands-on support in building logistics

Contact us

Dr. Bashar El-Jawhari

Dr. Bashar El-Jawhari

Localisation Practice Leader, Partner, PwC Middle East

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