FBM Mid 70 Index
At PwC, we believe that we too have a role to play in encouraging a stronger capital market, one which stakeholders can put their faith in. After all, our PwC purpose is to “build trust in society and solve important problems”.
We believe it’s time to take a stand and shine a light on the companies in Malaysia that are being transparent and are making attempts to meet their stakeholders’ needs.
We’re not just looking for the businesses that are posting the highest profits or getting the most coverage in the press. We want a company to be judged on the most important factors of all – how upfront they are with their stakeholders, and how their investors and customers regard them.
Bottomline: how much effort is a company putting into building trust?
We hope that The Building Trust Awards will give businesses food for thought on how to manage and nurture trust — something that is often perceived as intangible and difficult to measure. More importantly, we hope the Awards will spark dialogue and debate, and inspire all of us to put trust at the top of our business agenda.
The classic block-stacking, stack-crashing game of JENGA® is one that has players attempting to build a tower that gets taller and taller, while removing blocks from its base.
One false move, and the structure crashes to the ground.
The process of building trust is much like this game. It isn’t for the faint hearted. It can be a painstaking process and it is certainly a journey. One where every action, good and bad, stacks up.
At all times it takes all your different players working together to a common goal – fitting together the various pieces to form a structure that doesn’t falter.