
We understand that recognition in real-time is fundamental and impacts motivation levels. Showing appreciation to those whose contribution matters acknowledges the efforts brought to the teams, clients and the firm. 

Line of Service Awards

In furthering our culture of recognition within the Lines of Service, iDeals Awards was launched in 2022 followed by the inaugural Audit Awards, Tax Impact Awards, Digital Impact Awards, and the Consulting Values Awards in 2022. These awards serve as platforms for recognition of our people's brilliant efforts and contributions to their team over the past year.

Audit Awards

  • The Audit Awards consists of two categories which are Individual Awards (with 5 award categories: Growth Champion, Inspiring Individual, Culture of Challenge, Mountain Movers and, Be well, Work Well), and Team Awards (with 3 award categories: Culture of Challenge, Mountain Movers and Be well, Work Well).

  • As of 2023, the award has recorded a total of 112 submissions.

Appreciation Day

In the spirit of 'Reach Out and Recognise,' we introduced Appreciation Day where our people are encouraged to share their appreciation of others who have made their day-to-day lives brighter in PwC. Two Appreciation Days were organised in March and May 2023 to accommodate a wider group of people in the firm. The programme was extended to include the Regional Offices (Ipoh, Johor, Melaka, and Penang), each hosting an event on the same day.

As part of this initiative, we were able to boost recognition both personally by purchasing gifts at the event to appreciate colleagues, and via flexPoints, a real-time recognition programme that runs on a digital platform.

My PwC Rewards enhancements

Special discretionary bonus

In recognising our people’s contributions and commitment to the firm despite the challenges faced during the pandemic, a special discretionary bonus for Administrators to Senior Managers was announced in November 2021 and paid in two tranches in January and April 2022 respectively.

Contact us

Pauline Ho

Pauline Ho

Chief Operating Officer, PwC Malaysia

Tel: +(60) 3 2173 0946

Florence Tan

Florence Tan

Corporate Sustainability Director, PwC Malaysia

Tel: +60 (3) 2173 0334

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