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A PwC Product

Identify Payroll

Identify, track and control payroll leakage

Identify Payroll, part of our Identify Intelligence suite, is an interactive tool that identifies, tracks and controls sources of payroll leakage, resulting in cost savings and reduced risk.

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Why choose Identify Payroll?


Identify Payroll uses machine learning and payroll analytics to help identify, track and control payroll leakage.


Identify Payroll goes beyond pre-payroll quality checks to identify the root causes of payroll leakage, establish controls and monitor efficiencies.


Our team of experts will provide helpful solutions based on insights, such as redesigning systems, processes and controls to save costs and reduce future overpayments.

How to get started with Identify Payroll

Our analysis shows large Canadian organizations are losing between $1.2 billion to $5 billion due to payroll leakage each year. This translates to 0.5% to 2.5% of total payroll and shows how significant the opportunity for cost savings can be.

We’ll take you through an initial diagnostic, deliver our analysis using our interactive Identify Payroll product, and investigate and remediate your sources of payroll leakage.

Let's talk


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1. Speak to us

Contact us to discuss your payroll challenges and potential solutions to improve your bottom line.

2. Analyze your data

Analyze and model your payroll, time and human resources data sets, identify anomalies and discover the root causes of leakage. 

3. Explore insights

Dive deeper into your payroll anomalies and develop workable solutions so you can start reducing costs.


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Contact us

Matt Pittman

Matt Pittman

Partner, HR Transformation, PwC Canada

Tel: +1 416 815 5008

Annie Veillet

Annie Veillet

Partner, Data Analytics and AI, PwC Canada

Tel: +1 514 205 5146

Vijay Iyengar

Vijay Iyengar

Director, Consulting & Deals, PwC Canada

Tel: +1 416 687 8053