The future of tax reimagined

Is tax meeting today’s challenges—and ready for those that lie ahead?

Becoming a strategic asset to the business

The global tax landscape is changing quickly, and the tax function is increasingly expected to contribute to a business’s success and drive growth.

It’s time to elevate the role tax plays in your organization to improve relationships with regulators and better manage emerging risks. With the aid of technology and data tools, the return on investment can be significant.


Today’s tax function is in a unique position to transform what it does and how it does it. Creating a tax strategy will help elevate the function’s role in your organization.

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When deployed and used effectively, technology can be a catalyst to help you transform and become a strategic asset to the business.

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It’s important to manage the impact of increased regulation, stakeholder scrutiny, reputational risks and audits on your business.

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Contact us

Dean Landry

Dean Landry

National Tax Leader, PwC Canada

Tel: +1 416 815 5090

Shawn Reain

Shawn Reain

National Tax Markets Lead, Compliance.Transformed leader, Partner, PwC Canada

Tel: +1 403 509 6373

Éric  Labelle, LL.L.

Éric Labelle, LL.L.

Private Equity and Pension Fund Tax Leader, PwC Canada

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Contact us

Sabrina Fitzgerald

Sabrina Fitzgerald

National Tax Leader, PwC Canada

Tel: +1 613 898 2113
