In-house course programmes

At PwC our focus is creating value for you. Our custom-built solutions will respond to your organisation's needs and equip your colleagues and employees with knowledge and skills they can apply on their first day back on the job. Our trainers have vast experience and cover a range of industries so the training is always appropriate to your business — they are practising auditors and consultants in accounting, tax, finance, internal control, etc. and provide valuable insight into industry best practice.

All of the courses offered as public classes can be run in-house, in addition to those workshops listed below. This can be more cost effective for businesses when a number of participants need training. It also enables some customisation of course material. Please contact us for further details.

Our available programmes

Training in Financial Reporting

As accounting standards in Indonesia are gradually changing to adopt IFRS, continuous changes are inevitable. Companies in Indonesia need to keep abreast of developments and of how those changes will affect their financial reporting and business processes. For those who have or are contemplating complex corporate transactions or business arrangements, understanding upfront how they will be reflected in the financial statements at the time of the transaction and going forward usually pays off. Research shows that understanding the major accounting standards has become one of the top three issues on a CFO’s agenda.

Companies need to ensure that their human resources are ready to embrace the development. They need to have appropriate training that will equip them with robust understanding and practical knowledge. PwC has proven expertise in knowledge transfer to help you pull ahead of these developments and changes.

Click here for more information of the training course list

Contact us

PwC's Academy , PwC Indonesia

Tel: +62 21 509 92901

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