Infrastructure development remains the focus of BP Batam in 2024

  • 23 Feb 2024

This article has been translated by PwC Indonesia as part of our Indonesia Infrastructure News Service. PwC Indonesia has not checked the accuracy of, and accepts no responsibility for the content.

Bisnis Indonesia - Pembangunan infrastruktur tetap jadi fokus BP Batam di 2024

23 February 2024

This year, the work programmes of BP Batam are still focusing on infrastructure development.

BP Batam Head Muhammad Rudi said that road construction remained a primary focus. This initiative is undertaken to proactively address the annual surge in road users and facilitate the smooth flow of logistics.

Throughout 2023, road construction and widening efforts were carried out from Batuampar to Batubesar in Nongsa. Moreover, road widening efforts will persist across various areas in Batam.

“The construction of Sei Ladi-Laluan Madani Interchange Flyover is currently underway. There is also the development of phase 4 of Jalan Gajah Mada, which was tendered at the end of 2023. It is set to be completed at the end of 2024,” Rudi said on Monday (19/2/2024).

Regarding road widening, BP Batam does only focus on major areas, such as Batam Centre, but also on Sagulung, Sekupang, and Batuaji. The initiative includes widening efforts from Kepri Mall Interchange to Sagulung Roundabout, with a targeted completion date set for 2029.

The road segment experiences congestion, particularly during morning and evening hours. The primary contributing factor is the connecting route between Batam Centre and Sagulung.

Moreover, Batamindo Industrial Estate that accommodates thousands of workers is also situated along the road segment. So, it is no wonder that congestion tends to occur during clock-in and clock-out times.

“The road segment experiences congestion during morning and evening hours, causing disruptions to activities at the industrial estate and inconveniences for drivers,” Rudi explained at the BP Batam Building on Friday (16/2/2024).

BP Batam is also planning to construct Sei Ladi Flyover. In addition to addressing congestion, road widening efforts are required to maintain the investment climate in Batam to remain conducive. This strategic move aims to boost the investment value, fostering economic growth for the public in the future.

In addition to the flyover, road enhancements will extend from Pura Agung to UIB Interchange, and then to Laluan Madani Interchange. This project, initiated in 2024, has been allocated a budget of Rp137.7 billion, as indicated on the electric procurement system (LPSE) page of BP Batam. PT Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk has secured the tender for this project.

Rudi hopes that the road widening efforts that are meant to provide road access throughout Batam can be completed in 2029.

Besides that, there are other ongoing projects, such as the water treatment plant (WTP) in Muka Kuning Reservoir, the flood control in Batuaji, as well as the VVIP building construction in Hang Nadim Airport.

“BP Batam is also focusing on the development of Rempang Eco-City as a national strategic project (PSN) that shows its commitment to construct an industrial city,” he stated.

Regarding BP Batam’s work programmes for 2024, infrastructure projects in the sea connectivity sector are also continuously expedited, which include the dock revitalisation in Batu Ampar Port, the pontoon replacement at Sekupang Domestic Passenger Terminal, and the jetty revitalisation at Kabil Liquid Bulk Port.

In the air connectivity sector, an alternative road access to the airport (MYC) is currently under construction. In the land connectivity sector, ongoing projects include road and drainage constructions in Batam. Additionally, in the realm of tourism and culture, there are initiatives for the construction of phase 4 of Sekupang Pool Garden and phase 5 of Sekupang Deer Park.

Additionally, various area development projects are also underway, including the interior and the mechanical-electrical sector of the VVIP building at the airport, the establishment of a settlement in Tanjung Banon, and the construction of water treatment plants (WTPs) with capacities of 500 litres/second in Duriangkang Reservoir, 200 litres/second in Tembesi Reservoir, and 230 litres/second in Monggak Reservoir.

Meanwhile, BP Batam successfully completed 5 infrastructure projects throughout 2023. Head of the Promotions and Protocol Division of the Public Relations Bureau of BP Batam Ariastuty Sirait stated that the five projects were undertaken to enhance the 20 km road segment connecting Batuampar to Batu Besar.

He explained that the road construction started from the development of Jalan Hang Jebat (Batu Besar Interchange-Turi Interchange segment), the port-airport main corridor road (Laluan madani Interchange-Punggur Roundabout Interchange segment), the port-airport main corridor road (Punggur Roundabout-Airport Interchange segment), the airport roundabout, to phase 4 of Jalan Yos Sudarso (Pelita Underpass-Nagoya Gate segment).

“In the overall progress, we have completed each one,” he stated.

Besides that, in 2023, BP Batam also completed the reparation of the pontoon at Punggur Domestic Port and the construction of the VVIP building in Hang Nadim Airport.

Infrastructure construction, particularly roads, by both BP Batam and the regional government is pivotal for expediting economic growth. Tuty emphasised that robust infrastructure is essential for attracting both foreign and local investors to invest in Batam.

“It cannot be denied that investments will affect the regional economy. I am inviting all parties to work optimally to increase investment realisation this year,” he stated.

Besides road widening, the development of Hang Nadim Airport is also a main focus of BP Batam. The construction of Terminal 2 is continuously prepared by BP Batam and PT Bandara Internasional Batam (BIB).

PT BIB President Director Pikri Ilham Kurniansyah said that his company was currently focusing on the concept of the interior design. Meanwhile, the exterior design has been previously agreed on.

He continued that the construction of Terminal 2 involved a consultant from South Korea. However, their work will not commence until the design concept, encompassing both the interior and exterior, receives approval.

“They must be detailed. If the design has been approved, no changes are allowed. So, they hope BP Batam and BIB can agree on the design, the colour, and also other aspects,“ Pikri said.

According to BP Batam Head Muhammad Rudi, the construction of Terminal 2 and the renovation of Terminal 1 were an all-in-one package. The interior design must be approved by BP Batam as the airport owner.

“Hopefully, the proposed design can be agreed on. So, we can commence the construction of Terminal 2 immediately this year,” he stated.

BP Batam is suggested to increase the deployment of modern equipment to elevate Hang Nadim Airport to international standards. “The concept should also integrate a modern and clean interior design, incorporating local and eco-friendly airport elements,” he said.

BP Batam Strategic Programme Planning Centre Head Fesly Abadi explained that the revitalisation of Terminal 1 as well as the designing process of Terminal 2 were set to commence in June 2024. To expedite the process, BP Batam has handed over the management and operation of Hang Nadim Airport to PT BIB for the next 25 years.

The cooperation agreement incorporates the revitalisation of both terminals as well as the management and maintenance of land side infrastructure at the airport. “So, we are currently discussing the design for Terminal 2,” he said.

His agency will internally discuss the design for Terminal 2 proposed by PT BIB. According to him, regarding the proposed design, there are several important notes that will be delivered to PT BIB.

“One of the notes addresses that we want all materials that will be used for Terminal 2 to have an exclusive quality. The materials must be better than our current airports,” he affirmed.

He added that discussions on the design for Terminal 2 would be conducted consecutively. Muhammad Rudi instructed the construction of Terminal 2 to commence immediately. “We will continue to push the construction to be carried out immediately. The target is to have a follow-up discussion next week,” he added.

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