PUPR completes the construction of 30 regional roads in North Sumatra

  • 19 Feb 2024

This article has been translated by PwC Indonesia as part of our Indonesia Infrastructure News Service. PwC Indonesia has not checked the accuracy of, and accepts no responsibility for the content.

Investor Daily - PUPR tuntaskan pembangunan 30 jalan daerah di Sumut

19 February 2024

Jakarta, ID – The Public Works and Housing (PUPR) Ministry is continuously completing the construction of regional roads in accordance with Presidential Regulation Number 3 of 2023 on Acceleration in the Improvement of the Connectivity of Regional Roads.

Expert Staff to the PUPR Minister for Technology, Industry, and the Environment and PUPR Ministry Spokesperson Endra S. Atmawidjaja said that in North Sumatra, 30 regional roads were completed in 2023.

“The locations are scattered across 19 regencies/cities, with a total cost of Rp1.2 trillion and covering a total distance of 224 kilometres (km). The regional road programme in North Sumatra, as per the presidential instruction, is distributed across four areas/corridors, namely the eastern highway, the central highway, the western highway, and the Nias region,” Endra said in his statement in Jakarta on Friday (16/2/2024).

In May 2023, Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono visited the Gunting Saga-Teluk Binjei road segment in North Labuhan Regency. This road segment spans 5 km, costing Rp41.6 billion.

“Another road segment has also been completed in North Labuhan Regency, as per the presidential instruction on regional roads, which is the Teluk Binjei-Tanjung Leidong road segment. The road segment spans 3 km and has a cost of Rp29.4 billion,” Endra explained.

Besides implementing the presidential instruction on regional roads, the PUPR Ministry has also undertaken efforts to repair damaged roads in the Loang Melas Datas area within Karo Regency, including the road commonly referred to as Jalan Jeruk.

“The section of Jalan Jeruk that has undergone repairs is the Kuta Bangun-Kuta Kendit segment, covering a distance of 37.2 km and boasting a width of 3.5 metres,” he stated.

Endra highlighted the significance of the road for orange farmers, emphasising its role in enhancing connectivity between the production centre and the market. Prior to the repair, the road was challenging to traverse and limited to only off-road vehicles like jeeps, which could only maintain an average speed of 5-10 km per hour.

The repairs were carried out from 2022 to 2023 and costed Rp163.74 billion. The repairs encompassed three distinct types of work, flexible hardening with paved shoulder, flexible hardening with class S aggregate base for the shoulders, and concrete hardening with concrete shoulders. The road's width was expanded to 5.5 metres, with each lane measuring 1 metre. The road surface is composed of a blend of stones and mortar.


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