Arif Suhartono to lead Pelindo Integration

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Investor Daily - Arif Suhartono Nakhodai Pelindo Integrasi

04 October 2021

By: Thresa Sandra Desfika


Jakarta – State-owned Enterprise (SOE) Minister, Erick Thohir, appoints Arif Suhartono as the president director of the integrated Pelindo. This is stated in SOE Minister Decision Number SK-335/MBU/10/2021 on Termination and Promotion of Board of Commissioners of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II and SOE Minister Decision Number SL-334/MBU/10/2021 on Termination, Change of the Nomenclature of Positions, and Promotion of Board of Directors of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II.

The board of directors of the integrated Pelindo include Deputy President Director Hambra, Finance and Risk Management Director Mega Satria, Human Resources and Public Director Ihsanuddin Usman, Strategy Director Prasetyo, Investment Director Boy Robyanto, and Managing Director Putut Sri Muljanto. Meanwhile, the board of commissioners include Independent Commissioner (Acting President Commissioner) Marsetio, Independent Commissioner, Irma Suryani Chaniago, Independent Commissioner, Heru Sukanto, Commissioner Antonius Ranier Haryanto, Commissioner R. Agus H, Purnomo, Commissioner Didi Sumedi, and Commissioner Sudung Situmorang.

Next, the board of commissioners of subholding PT Terminal Petikemas Indonesia include President Commissioner and Independent Commissioner Moermahadi Soerja Djanegara, Commissioner Bahaduri Wijayanta Bekti Mukarta, Commissioner Ronaldus Mujur, Commissioner Montty Girianna, Independent Commissioner Nurrachman, Independent Commissioner Ubaidillah Amin, and Independent Commissioner Alu Mochtar Ngabalin. Meanwhile, the board of directors consist of President Director M. Adji, Strategy and Commercial Director Rima Novianti, Operations Director Muarif, Engineering Director Dothy, Human Resources Director Edi Priyanto, and Finance and Risk Management Endot Endrardono.

Next, the board of commissioners of subholding PT Pelindo Multi Terminal consist of President Commissioner and Independent Commissioner Darwanto, Commissioner Arman Depari, Commissioner Ahmad Perwira Mulia Tarigan, Commissioner M. Yusuf Permana, Independent Commissioner Herbert Timbo Parluhutan Siahaan, and Independent Commissioner Syahrian Harahap. Regarding the board of directors, it includes President Director Drajat Sulistiyo, Strategy and Commercial Director Ogi Rulino, Operations Director Ridwan Sani Siregar, Engineering Director Prakosa Hadi, Finance and Risk Management Director Yon Irawan, and Human Resources Director Adi Sutrisno.

Then, the board of commissioners of subholding PT Pelindo Jasa Maritim are President Commissioner and Independent Commissioner Fachry Ali, Commissioner Neil Iskandar Daulay, Commissioner Achmad Idrus, Commissioner Sukriansyah S. Latief, and Independent Commissioner Eris Herryanto. Then, the board of directors consist of President Director Prasetyadi, Strategy and Engineering Director Hozadi Afriza, Operations and Commercial Director Zuhri Iriansyah, Finance and Risk Management Director Choirul Anwar, and Human Resources Director I Made Hadyanta Gautama.

Then, the board of commissioners of subholding PT Pelindo Solusi Logistik consist of President Commissioner and Independent Commissioner Otto Ardianto, Commissioner Heri Purnomo, Independent Commissioner Seppalga Ahmad, and Independent Commissioner Abdulhamid Dipopramono. Meanwhile, the board of directors consist of President Director Joko Noerhoedha, Commercial Director Kokok Susanto, Human Resources and Finance Director Roy Leonard, and Strategy Director Retno Soelistyanti.

Effective immediately

On the other hand, SOE Deputy Minister II, Kartika Wirjoatmodjo, said that, after Pelindo integration was realised on 1 October 2021, then the next focus was to accelerate the establishment of the four subholdings.

“After this, Pelindo can focus to establish the four subholdings under Pelindo to be effective and operate optimally as soon as possible,” Kartika Wirjoatmodjo said in his official statement quoted on Sunday (3/10).

Moreover, the Pelindo merger has been officially carried out with the signing of the merger deed among the four port SOEs, namely Pelindo I, III, IV that have merged into Pelindo II as the surviving entity. Besides that, President Joko Widodo has also signed Government Regulation Number 101 of 2021 on Merger of State-Owned Limited Liability Company (Persero) PT Pelabuhan Indonesia I, State-Owned Limited Liability Company (Persero) PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III, And State-Owned Limited Liability Company (Persero) PT Pelabuhan Indonesia IV to State-Owned Limited Liability Company (Persero) PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II.

“This is a crucial and a historical momentum of port SOE management. The merger is an important step in the value creation of port SOEs. This initiative will improve the effectiveness and the efficiency of national ports,” Tiko, who is what Kartika is familiarly called, stated.

He hopes that the merger deed signing can provide major benefits for the economy and the social issues in Indonesia.

“Hopefully, the Pelindo merger realisation can make Indonesian citizens optimistic about national ports growing to compete with major global port players,” Tiko said.

Meanwhile, Supply Chain Indonesia (SCI) Chairman, Setijadi, appreciates the success of SOE Minister, Erick Thohir, in merging Pelindo. Setijadi stated that there would be four challenges after the merger. The first challenge is to improve and standardise services at all Pelindo ports by standardising processes, human resources, and technologies (facilities) using an integrated information system among ports as well as between ports and users.

The second challenge is to organise hub and spoke ports in Indonesia by lessening export-import ports. The limit of 2 to 5 international hub ports will significantly increase cargo volume in several hub ports, which will attract mother vessels.

The third challenge is to develop a multimodal transportation system. Pelindo can boost end-to-end cargo shipment integration by involving shipping companies as well as land and railway operators to increase the overall efficiency. Setijadi continued that the last challenge is to lower economic gaps among regions.


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