Covid-19 pandemic impact: KAI pursues efficiency through digital tax integration

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Bisnis Indonesia - Dampak Pandemi COVID -19: KAI Tempuh Efisiensi Melalui Integrasi Pajak Digital

22 October 2021

By Akhirul Anwar

Bisnis, Jakarta – PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) is continuously improving efficiency to lower the company’s financial burden due to the Covid-19 pandemic with digital tax integration.

PT KAI Corporate Deputy Director of Finance Consolidation, Jagatsyah Aminullah, said that efficiency in the first half of 2021 could be seen from the Rp7.46 trillion revenue increase and the lower net loss.

According to him, loss is expected to decline from Rp1.7 trillion in 2020 to as low as Rp700 billion in 2021. “The company continues to innovate effectively and efficiently so that their financial performance can be more agile in responding the Covid-19 pandemic impact,” he stated during a press conference on Thursday (21/10).

Jagatsyah said that efficiency was pursued internally and externally. From the banking aspect, such as loan relaxation and efficiency in the tax sector.

“We are optimising all facilities and incentives provided by the government. Hence, we are also implementing a digital tax data integration platform,” he said.

Jagatsyah added that the tax sector was crucial as KAI conducted thousands of tax transactions per month. As a medium-sized company with an asset of Rp54.06 trillion, KAI regularly conducts 12,000 transactions regarding tax documents.

Tax data integration is a host-to-host connectivity between the taxpayer enterprise resource planning (ERP) platform and the tax authority server. In other words, PT KAI’s tax system has been integrated in real time with the server of the Directorate General of Taxes (DGT).

PT KAI Tax VP, Deny Eko Andrianto, added that the company used the Tarra e-Faktur application made by a domestic programmer (TelkomPajakku) to integrate tax data.

Deny mentioned that Tarra e-Faktur had been officially licensed by the DGT to receive special priority in DGT’s server. Morevoer, this application can create, print, and send dozens of thousands of tax invoices in real time to DGT’s server.

“With tax data integration, the invoices will be connected to all tax systems. So, it will be easier for the team from DGT to conduct verification and checking,” Deny said.

The web-based application can also supervise and estimate the tax value for the next month. Hence, KAI can mitigate tax invoices from all DAOPs (operational regions) automatically to analyse new business potentials from all over.

Jagatsyah added that, by integrating tax data, KAI’s tax team would be upgraded from input admins to tax analysts. Hence, KAI’s tax team can eliminate cost of compliance and human error. So, KAI’s tax team can see business and new revenue potentials from the data analysed.

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