Corporate “power changers”
How companies can reduce their energy consumption by 31% by decade’s end and save a cool US$2 trillion a year—without sacrificing growth.
Transportation. Manufacturing. Mining. Industries that have big power needs also need big change. Delivering radical decarbonisation by powering up renewables and building greener, sustainable infrastructures. Creating greater value for people, planet and performance.
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Energy is a crucial input to all economic activity, and a secure and affordable energy supply has been a key enabling factor for global economic growth that has lifted millions out of poverty. However, with continued and overwhelming reliance on fossil fuel sources for primary energy supply, the production, supply and consumption of energy is responsible for approx. three quarters of global greenhouse gas emissions that drives global warming and climate change. The scientific evidence indicates that climate and weather extremes and their adverse impacts on people and nature will continue to increase with every additional increment of rising temperatures.
Transitioning energy production, supply and consumption away from fossil fuels and towards sustainable energy sources, without derailing economic growth and progressing steadily on the unfinished development agenda in developing countries is the greatest challenge of our times.
Achieving this is will be an extremely complex endeavour due to the increasingly narrow window of opportunity, and expected disruption to well established governance frameworks, political economy considerations, technology, financial and product markets, supply chains, and business models. Such a monumental change in status quo will impact all stakeholders, and present opportunities and threats.
Indonesia has had tremendous success in meeting its growing energy demand, and in shifting to modern, commercial energy sources. However, a significant proportion of the expansion in energy supply has been from coal, reflecting domestic resource abundance and national development policy that emphasised exploitation of national resources for economic growth. This is reflected in the electricity sector as well with over 87% of generation from fossil fuel sources.
The industrial & transport sectors together account or approx. 70% of final energy consumption from fossil fuels, indicating the required sectoral focus for a successful energy transition. Consequently, firms operating n these two sectors, along with the energy production & supply sector will see the most disruption, to achieve a successful energy transition.
Due to low electrification of the economy and overwhelming reliance on fossil fuels for electricity generation, fossil fuel dependence in the final consumption basket remains very high as well. Therefore, Indonesia’s energy transition will require focused, programmatic action on the supply and demand side.
There are four major levers to decarbonising energy and the economy. All have to be applied simultaneously but to differing degrees nuanced to country, economy, sectoral and competitive position realities, to accelerate the energy transition without impacting energy security and affordability.
Planning, executing, monitoring and course correcting the transition will require a whole of economy perspective.
We believe in the power of the public sector to set the stage and address market failures, and that of the private sector to innovate to protect, create and sustain value within the boundaries set by the public sector.
To achieve accelerated and sustained energy transition across the economy, we believe that a programmatic approach covering governance frameworks, market structures, technology solutions, business models, financing, energy & carbon pricing, and enhanced private sector participation is essential.
We support the public sector in setting the stage considering the greatest good for the broadest set of stakeholders, and preparing to address market failures if they do occur. We work with the private sector in protecting, creating and sustaining value in a socially responsible way, within the field of play set by the public sector.
Our Energy Transition teams is made up of various industry, sector and service experts, whose diverse background and shared values are unified around a common driver to help clients anticipate challenges and unlock potential across the entire project-life cycle.
We focus on value creation and preservation, partnering with clients to support an equitable transition that tackles their specific decarbonisation and renewable energy imperatives, and the complex and multi-faceted ESG issues that result from their transition pathways.
We combine deep insight with human-led technology to build coherent strategic models that map risk variances and market shifts, revealing environmental and social impact potential and corresponding commercial opportunity.
*Note that any of the supporting work streams can also be developed as standalone strategic roadmaps
Delivering sustained financial outcomes built on a deep understanding of market needs and expectation, we design, test and deploy investment solutions that align economic growth potential with environmental and social value.
Our pillars to be compliant with Sustainable Finance:
Leveraging firm-wide capability in audit, advisory and governance, we build robust risk reporting and governance frameworks that isolate potential threats and elevate opportunity.
Highlighting and providing legal solutions, tax optimisation and risk perspectives to address the complexities of energy transition.
Our legal team has deep and wide-ranging knowledge of the sophisticated legal frameworks across Energy, Utilities and Resources sectors. We have advised many reputable clients and investors on energy projects (including wind and solar projects) across the full project lifecycle, from planning up to multi-year operations. Our ability and experience in providing advice are among our key strengths when highlighting and providing legal solutions to address the complexities of energy transition. Energy companies are competing to become part of Indonesia’s energy transition initiatives and to combat climate change. Diversification of energy, energy efficiency and energy security are a few of the main topics around energy transition, and activities executing those initiatives may have legal issues or consequences (both regulatory and contractual). Legal compliance and governance play roles of the utmost importance in realising the nationwide objectives of a just energy transition. We can assist you with the following regulatory and legal support:
With the Energy Transition as one pivotal ecosystem for a nation’s net-zero commitment/target, the Government of Indonesia has applied and will introduce more fiscal/taxation incentives and disincentives. Further new investment for decarbonisation as part of the Energy Transition is typically new frontier, and lacks both tax guidance and precedent. With our in-depth understanding of tax rules and our global network, we should be able to navigate you along any sustainability path in the Energy Transition, particularly from tax optimisation and risk perspectives. We can assist you in the following tax support procedures:
Our Energy Transition team helps clients unlock the environmental, social and economic impact of Indonesia’s energy transition.
We connect insight and expertise from a diverse capability set, shaping ecosystems that help organisations solve seen and unseen energy transition issues across their value chains.
Our experience drives confidence and trust in the delivery of meaningful outcomes, ensuring clients stay ahead of the forces reshaping the world, and unlocking their potential to find, create, preserve and recover value.
Speak to us about how we can support you in solving your energy transition challenges in a way that protects, create and sustains value.
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PwC Indonesia with the role of Lead Knowledge Partner to the Energy, Sustainability & Climate (ESC) Task Force, hosted the B20 Indonesia Energy, Sustainability and Climate Task Force side event with the theme “Accelerating the Transition to Sustainable Energy Use”, as it is one of the key factors in preventing catastrophic global warming and climate change.
As the Lead Knowledge Partner to the B20 Indonesia Energy, Sustainability & Climate Task Force, PwC Indonesia was pleased to participate in the B20-G20 Dialogue and support a strategic discussion around the policy recommendations of the Task Force.
Our team lead as the ESC Task Force Knowledge Partner and Energy, Utilities & Resources Lead Advisor at PwC Indonesia, Sacha Winzenried, moderated a lively panel discussion on how to accelerate the transition to sustainable energy without hampering the growth of developing countries.
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The green hydrogen economy will be an essential element of global decarbonisation to understand what will be needed to develop sustainable hydrogen technologies and markets.
How companies can reduce their energy consumption by 31% by decade’s end and save a cool US$2 trillion a year—without sacrificing growth.
Energy system advances can help companies create value and become more sustainable and resilient—by taking charge of their energy demand.
The world has made significant progress towards achieving net zero by 2050. But to attain the end goal, key gaps must be addressed.
Our Net Zero Economy Index reveals that the global reduction in carbon intensity has stalled to its lowest level in over a decade. The world must now decarbonise at a rate twenty times faster if we are to limit global warming to 1.5°C. With overshooting this threshold fast becoming a reality, bold action is needed to meet climate ambitions.
Explore the role of clean hydrogen in decarbonising hard-to-abate sectors as well as barriers to clean hydrogen development and adoption.
Accelerating progress in Asia-Pacific’s energy transition presents an enormous opportunity to marshal the powerful combined forces of public and private capital.
Energy, utilities and resources sectors create a bright spot for M&A activity in 2024 as energy transition continues to attract investor interest.
Learn how green building materials can address sustainability challenges in construction and minimise carbon emissions.
Hear exclusive insights on the moves business can make to advance climate initiatives—recorded live at the world’s premier climate event. Listen now.
This episode focuses on the energy transition and the challenges around managing the shift to net zero in a region experiencing energy security issues and wider social inequities. PwC’s Kirsty Haymon speaks to Charlotte Wolff-Bye, Vice President and Chief Sustainability Officer of PETRONAS and Eric Francia, President and Chief Executive Officer of ACEN Corporation.
Dive into Financial Times’s collaborative webinar with PwC where we have traced the contours of the energy transition and the emerging risks and opportunities.
Sacha Winzenried
Julian Smith
Yuliana Sudjonno
Antonius Sanyojaya