PwC Presence at the B20 Forum

PwC involvement in the B20 engagement group

PwC Indonesia has played a key role in the Indonesian success story of economic growth and social development. 

In line with our purpose to build trust in society and deliver sustained outcomes, our engagement at the B20 showcases our commitment to supporting Indonesia’s government in encouraging inclusive, resilient, and sustainable global economic growth. This purpose will also guide our decision-making and investment strategy for the future, ensuring our ongoing relevance and leadership in the marketplace.

With our appointment as B20 Knowledge Partner for the Energy, Sustainability & Climate (ESC) and the Finance and Infrastructure (F&I) Task Forces (TF), as well as our participation as task force members alongside global industry leaders in various other task forces, PwC Indonesia aims to support the task forces in delivering concrete, actionable policy recommendations on the priorities of the Indonesian G20 and B20 presidency to spur economic growth and development.


Overview of the B20 in Indonesia

The B20 is the official G20 dialogue forum for the global business community. Established in 2010, the B20 comprises companies and business organisations and is among the most prominent engagement groups in the G20.

Using "Recover Together, Recover Stronger" as the main theme of the G20 Indonesia, Indonesia encourages all countries to work together to achieve stronger and more sustainable world economic growth. This is important given the many challenges that we will have to face in the recovery process and the need for collective action.

The B20 operates through six task forces and one action council in delivering the group’s strategic vision and providing a strong foundation in worldwide economics. It is set up especially for the international business community to participate in global economic governance, international economics, and trade regulation.

The B20 Indonesia will officially convey its final recommendations to the G20 leaders at the B20 Summit, which will take place back-to-back with the G20 Summit in Bali, Indonesia, in November 2022.

PwC Involvement at B20 Indonesia

This year, PwC Indonesia has been appointed as the Knowledge Partner for the F&I and the ESC task forces. Aside from these two task forces, several of our leaders have also actively participated in several other task forces.

As Knowledge Partner for the two task forces, PwC works together with national and international CEOs of prominent organisations, as well as KADIN (the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry) to advance the B20 Indonesia theme of “Advancing Innovative, Inclusivity, and Collaborative Growth".

Thought Leadership



PwC Indonesia - TakeOnTomorrowExplore Seperate

Knowledge Partner

Finance & Infrastructure (F&I)

Radju Munusamy

B20 Policy Manager of the F&I TF

Julian Smith

Team Leader of the F&I TF Knowledge Partner

Energy, Sustainability & Climate (ESC)

Sacha Winzenried

Team Leader of the ESC TF Knowledge Partner

Yanto Kamarudin

Supporting Partner of the ESC TF

Member of Task Force

Ay-Tjhing Phan

Future of Work & Education Task Force

Eddy Rintis

Integrity & Compliance Task Force

Marina Tusin

Future of Work & Education Task Force

Melli Darsa

Women in Business Action Council Task Force


Digitalisation Task Force

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