ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance)

What is ESG?

ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) is a framework for businesses to consider the impact and dependencies on the environment and society, along with the quality of their corporate governance. It encompasses all non-financial topics that are not typically captured by traditional financial reporting. 

Stakeholders are increasingly interested and concerned with a company's non-financial performance and ESG credentials from climate change, equality, diversity and inclusion, and management accountability. Businesses across all industries must demonstrate they act with purpose and operate responsibly, and ESG is a way to measure and demonstrate their impact transparently to meet the demands and build the trust of their stakeholders.

ESG is more than ticking boxes. It's about making a difference - for your business and our world. Creating sustained outcomes that drive long-term value and fuel growth, whilst strengthening our environment and societies.

Climate change concerns
ESG governance

Smarter business for a stronger world

As an International Finance Centre the Isle of Man has an important role to play in sustainable finance and being a home to responsible businesses. Our passionate community of solvers from strategy, tax, deals, people, assurance, reporting, data, and tech are ready to help you incorporate ESG principles into everything you do. ESG is a new way to think and whatever your starting point we’ll help you turn theory into action in the three areas of strategy, transformation and reporting.

How can we help you?

Our purpose is to build trust in society and solve important problems. We care about our people, our clients and the broader community, and want to be part of creating a sustainable and transparent future for generations to come.

We can help your organisation's future success by:

  • Driving your net zero transformation
  • Reporting on your sustainability journey
  • Financing your sustainable transformation.

Learn more about our sustainability solutions

Business meeting

Our latest ESG thought leadership

ESG podcast and webcasts

Business Talks: The ESG opportunity - who cares wins

Our first episode of the Business Talks podcast is with Dasa Brynjolffssen (Director, PwC Isle of Man). She is in conversation with host, Howard Caine, and discusses:

  • what ESG means 
  • how it will influence the way companies and individuals operate in the future
  • what your business can do to take action on ESG.

Listen on:  SpotifyGoogle Podcast Apple PodcastsManx Radio website

Business Talks - Episode 1

Explore our 'good business for a stronger world' webcast series by clicking through to register for webinar access.

  • COP26 explained: Key considerations for business - As a global milestone, COP26 has provided world leaders, businesses and wider society with the opportunity to come together and accelerate action against climate change. The question for many is, what next? In this webcast our PwC experts will share their takeaways from the conference, highlighting the key policy and regulatory changes that should be front of mind for businesses.
  • Delivering sustainable value creation - Today, organisations need to be invested in ways that not only generate returns here and now, but also create sustainable value for the future. Join our PwC experts as they discuss how ESG is providing the opportunity to look differently at the market, business strategy, investments and assets.

Our ESG priorities

We’re doing our own ESG work at PwC Isle of Man and are committed to sustainable and responsible business practices.

Our ESG work

In 2020, we joined the worldwide near-term science-based commitment to achieve net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions with 2030 goals. PwC is committed to reducing its emissions in line with a 1.5 degree climate scenario. Our targets have been validated by the Science Based Targets Initiative and include commitments to reduce our scope 1 and 2 emissions and our business travel emissions by 50% in absolute terms by 2030 (from a 2019 base).

Our Net Zero commitment


ESG data