'Manx State of the Nation’ conference celebrates 20th anniversary

  • Press Release
  • 2 minute read
  • February 12, 2025

The 20th Manx State of the Nation conference, hosted by the Alliance of Isle of Man Compliance Professionals (AICP), was held at the Comis Hotel on 7 February 2025. Sponsored for the 11th consecutive year by PwC Isle of Man, the event attracted a record number of 250 delegates, with a waiting list, demonstrating the importance placed by Isle of Man based professionals on engagement in compliance issues.

The annual conference was opened by the Island’s Chief Minister, Alfred Cannan MHK who emphasised the importance of working together to safeguard the island from the devastating effects of financial crime and thanked the attendees for their crucial role in maintaining the robustness of the Island’s financial services sector.

A varied programme followed with a mix of local and UK speakers. A range of important topics and trending insights across the regulatory and business landscape were discussed including: updates from the Financial Services Authority and the new Information Commissioner; as well as international regulation, Anti-Money Laundering/Counter Financial Terrirism, Proliferation Finance, Sanctions, Corporate Criminal Liability, and Modern Slavery, and its impact on the Isle of Man. There was also time for networking with others in the regulated sector.

“The conference continues to grow stronger each year, and we are delighted to celebrate its 20th anniversary. It has become a must-attend event for the local compliance, risk and governance community. Over the past two decades, the international regulatory landscape has changed significantly and will undoubtedly continue to evolve. This year’s conference featured a wealth of insights from knowledgeable speakers who are practitioners in their field of expertise. The positive engagement from the audience, through polling and questions, greatly enhanced the value of the day. I hope those who attended will continue to look forward and collaborate, both professionally and individually, for the success of the island and our common interest.”

Gerry Ganly, AICP Chair

Colin Manley, Director, PwC Isle of Man, added: “As long-serving sponsors of the conference, PwC Isle of Man echoes Gerry’s sentiment that it is fantastic to celebrate two decades of bringing together compliance professionals across the island’s industries. With the news of Moneyval’s visit taking place in October 2026, these opportunities to learn and collaborate are key to helping keep compliance standards at the forefront of the professional community. From my own presentation on AML effectiveness I was delighted with the strong engagement in the room. The presentation highlighted shared challenges, the role of technology and the continued importance of skilled resources as the cornerstone of effective control frameworks.”

Special thanks go to the attendees, speakers, Kevin Ellis at Avid Events, Comis Hotel, ELS Group, lead sponsor PwC Isle of Man, and other sponsors Impact Professional Services, DQ Advocates and FIM Capital, who all helped to make the event such a success. 

For anyone who missed the event, the presentation slides can be viewed on the AICP website: https://www.aicp.im/product/manx-state-of-the-nation-2025/ 

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Jennifer Radcliffe
Jennifer Radcliffe

Marketing Manager, PwC Isle of Man

Colin Manley
Colin Manley

Actuarial Director, PwC Isle of Man

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